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January 25, 2012

ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 01.25.12

TSA ticks off another US Senator.
DOT has new rules to help airline customers.
And armed airline pilots want more freedom to carry.

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HAI Announces SMS Help For Helo Operators

Class-Specific Revision Targets "Fiercely Independent" Operators

A decade ago, the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) finished the first release of its International Standard for Business Aircraft Operation (IS-BAO), which has influenced the widespread adoption of Safety Management Systems (SMS). Through cooperation with Helicopter Association International (HAI) and other industry groups, there's a new release which includes, in some sections, separate language and operational criteria applicable to a wide-range of helicopter operations.

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Eurocopter Boosts Its Sales By 12 Percent In 2011

Increases Order Intake By More Than 100 Helicopters

Eurocopter says it generated a record high annual turnover in 2011 as the company benefited from long-term strategies of investing in innovation to keep its helicopter product line at the forefront, growing the international footprint, developing services businesses and optimizing internal operations.

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NASA Moves Closer To Planetary Landing Demo Capability On Earth

Draper’s GENIE Could Test Payloads On Earth Under Realistic Flight Conditions

NASA could test its payloads on Earth under realistic flight conditions before sending them into space by using a technology flown by Draper Laboratory last month. Using the GENIE (Guidance Embedded Navigator Integration Environment) System, Draper recently fully controlled the Xombie suborbital rocket built by Masten Space Systems during a closed loop tethered flight.

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New Airport Slot Rules Will Leak Jobs Out Of Europe

EBAA, ERA Study Concludes EU Impact Assessment On Slots Was Based On Inaccurate Analyses

An authoritative independent study, released Tuesday, shows that the European Commission's proposed amendments to slot allocation regulation in the EU are based on incomplete and inaccurate analyses. The study, conducted for the European Regions Airline Association (ERA) and the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) by internationally renowned consultants Mott MacDonald, confirms that any gains from changes in slot allocation rules are likely to benefit non-EU economies, would lead to job losses throughout Europe and be detrimental to Europe's air service connectivity.

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Missouri Group Calls Pheasant Back Home

Owner Of Rare Biplane Sympathetic To Museum Creation

A group of enthusiasts in Memphis, Missouri is setting about a fundraising project to create a place of honor for the Pheasant H-10, a late-1920s-vintage experimental biplane which has become all but extinct. The Pheasant Aircraft Association says it has only $2,000 in the bank so far, and another $10,000 in pledges. The Long Island owner of the plane sought wants $75,000, but association founders say he also shares their interest in seeing the H-10 return home.

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United, Houston Airport System Begin Redevelopment Project

Groundbreaking Starts Construction Of New Terminal B South Concourse At George Bush Intercontinental Airport

Houston Mayor Annise Parker and the Houston Airport System, in partnership with United Continental Holdings broke ground Monday on the first phase of a three-phase redevelopment project at George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Phase one of the project, to be completed in 2013, will create a new Terminal B south concourse dedicated to regional jet operations.

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Boeing Delivers Two 777-300ERs To Saudi Arabian Airlines

Airline Announces Order For Eight 777-300ERs

Two 777-300ER airplanes have been delivered to Saudi Arabian Airlines from Boeing, which the planemaker says marks a significant milestone in its long-standing relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Lockheed Martin Delivers Fourth Upgraded CBP P-3 Orion In Record Time

Airplane For Border Patrol Enters Service Two Months Ahead Of Schedule

The fourth P-3 Orion with new Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) modifications has been delivered to U.S. Customs and Border Protection two months ahead of schedule, according to prime contractor Lockheed Martin.

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Navy Progresses In Demonstrating Unmanned Refueling Capability

System Under Development That Could Significantly Increase The Endurance And Range Of Carrier-Based Unmanned Aircraft

As part of the Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration (UCAS-D) program, the Navy and industry partner Northrop Grumman have been developing Autonomous Aerial Refueling (AAR) technologies to refuel unmanned aircraft in flight. The team completed a series of flight tests Jan.21 in St. Augustine, FL, as the latest step toward demonstrating unmanned AAR capability.

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Lancair Announces Representation For Western Canada

Ryan Isaac Will Take Over Demo And Sales Duties In Six Canadian Provinces

Ryan Isaac, Principal of Aviate Consulting, Toronto, Canada has joined Lancair International as the exclusive sales representative for Lancair products in the Western Provinces of Canada. Ryan will be handling the demonstration and sales of the Evolution by Lancair and Lancair Legacy aircraft in the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon and The Northwest Territories.

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AD: Agusta S.p.A. Helicopters

AD NUMBER: 2011-27-08

PRODUCT: Agusta model A109S and AW109SP helicopters

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AD: Eurocopter France

AD NUMBER: 2011-18-12

PRODUCT: Eurocopter Model AS350B, B1, B2, B3, BA, and D; and AS355E, F, F1, F2, and N Helicopters.

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Aero-TV: Rewarding Innovation -- Avemco’s Jim Lauerman Looks Over Redbird

An Aviation Veteran Evaluates The Impact Of A New and Innovative Aviation Training Program

It was quite an event... and one that featured a unique brand of excitement that we do not see too often in the GA world anymore -- the feeling that something "really different" is right around the corner. The event we speak of was Redbird Skyport's 'birthday' of November 8th, 2011 -- a date to remember... for the first time in a LONG time, aviation industry luminaries gathered together to celebrate the start of something unique, innovative and utterly NEW. A multi-faceted aviation research and development laboratory, located in San Marcos, TX, the Redbird Skyport is the culmination of the efforts of Redbird Flight Simulations and King Schools and is supported by a growing number

Aero-TV: Rewarding Innovation -- Avemco’s Jim Lauerman Looks Over Redbird

An Aviation Veteran Evaluates The Impact Of A New and Innovative Aviation Training Program

It was quite an event... and one that featured a unique brand of excitement that we do not see too often in the GA world anymore -- the feeling that something "really different" is right around the corner. The event we speak of was Redbird Skyport's 'birthday' of November 8th, 2011 -- a date to remember... for the first time in a LONG time, aviation industry luminaries gathered together to celebrate the start of something unique, innovative and utterly NEW. A multi-faceted aviation research and development laboratory, located in San Marcos, TX, the Redbird Skyport is the cul

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House Passes FAA Funding Extension

Members Of Both Chambers Hopeful It Will Be The Last

The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday passed what they hope will be the final FAA Continuing Resolution, as members say a deal has been worked out for long-term funding for the agency.

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New Airline Passenger Protections Take Effect This Week

Requires Carriers To Disclose All Taxes And Fees, Hold Reservations Without Payment

New regulations going into effect this week will help ensure that consumers are treated fairly when they travel by air, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Monday. Among the new provisions, part of the airline consumer rule issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation in April 2011, are requirements that airlines and ticket agents include all mandatory taxes and fees in published airfares and that they disclose baggage fees to consumers buying tickets.

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Marketing At The 2012 LSA U.S. Sport Aviation Expo

As Usual, Some Do It Better Than Others

Prior to the start of the LSA Expo this year, I wrote an article about ways to improve your presentation at the show. While at the show I evaluated the various booths and product presentations to see if there was any improvement. The fascinating thing that I observed was that some vendors took my articles to heart and really improved their public presentations. Contrariwise, I also observed some of the worst sales activities possible. The contrast was amazing.

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US Airways Express Flight Attendants Move To Strike

PSA Airlines Flight Attendants Request NMB To Declare Negotiations Impasse

Following a week of what they call fruitless negotiations with PSA Airlines management, Flight Attendants at the airline, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), initiated a process that could lead to a strike if management fails to negotiate a new agreement. The AFA on Monday requested the National Mediation Board (NMB) declare that negotiations are at an impasse.

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Two States Lobby For UAS Test Range

Governors See Economic Growth, Opponents Wary

While the FAA and air traffic planners worry about the day unmanned aerial vehicles become a common sight in our skies, two eastern states are lobbying the US Department of Defense to bring it on. Governors Bob McDonnell of Virginia and Martin O'Malley of Maryland have written the US DOT to request their region be selected for a new UAS test range called for in both the National Defense Authorization Act and an FAA reauthorization bill.

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Victims Of Crashed Sea Stallion Identified

Vietnam-Era Helo Went Down In Afghanistan Jan. 19

The Pentagon has identified six US Marines killed when their helicopter crashed last Thursday in Afghanistan. The Associated Press reports that all six were based at Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay. All were veterans of multiple deployments to Afghanistan.

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NASA Day Of Remembrance At Kennedy Space Center Thursday

Day To Reflect On Apollo 1, Challenger, And Columbia Crews

NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida will pay tribute to the crews of Apollo 1 and space shuttles Challenger and Columbia, as well as other NASA colleagues, during the agency's Day of Remembrance observance on Thursday, January 26. A wreath will be laid at 1030 EST at the Space Mirror Memorial at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Kennedy Center Director and former astronaut Bob Cabana will take part in the ceremony.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (01.25.12)

“We must bring to conclusion a long-term FAA bill to help create jobs, modernize our nation’s aviation infrastructure and air traffic control system, and streamline and reform FAA programs as soon as possible.” Source: Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John L. Mica (R-FL).

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.25.12): Radar Identified Aircraft

An aircraft, the position of which has been correlated with an observed target or symbol on the radar display.  

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.25.12)

Black Pilots of America, Inc. (BPA, Inc) is a non-profit flying organization established in 1997. Membership is open to anyone who shares the aims and purposes established in the preamble of our Constitution and Bylaws and have a primary focus on providing an atmosphere for everyone to learn to fly and perhaps own airplanes.

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