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January 13, 2012

ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 01.13.12

Heads roll in a major reorganization at EAA.
A TSA screener finds $5,000 and turns it in to lost-&-found.
And two other TSA screeners will go to jail.

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HAI & FAASTeam Host Seminars In CA

Different Industry Focus On Each Of Two Days

On Friday and Saturday, January 20-21, Helicopter Association International and the FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) will present two safety seminars of benefit to a wide range of helicopter pilots. Both will be held at at the Van Nuys Airport Airtel Plaza Hotel & Conference Center in California.

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IMC Club Appoints Regional Vice Presidents

One RVP Slot Remains Open

IMC Club International, Inc. has named, Steve Cunningham of Nashua, NH, Jim Hendricks of Naples, FL and  Michael Radomsky of Las Vegas, NV as regional vice presidents of its Northeastern, Southern and Western Regions. The position for Vice President Central Region is still open.

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NASA Solar Electric Propulsion Study Being Conducted By Boeing

Advanced Solar Array And Electric Thruster Technologies To Be Tested In Future Demonstrations

Work has begun on a four-month NASA contract awarded to Boeing to develop a mission concept study for solar electric propulsion technologies. Under the $600,000 firm, fixed-price contract, Boeing will evaluate concepts that combine high-power solar arrays with advanced electric thrusters to power spacecraft and payloads to high Earth orbit and deep space destinations.

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Army Awards $212 Million Production Contract 39 Lakota Helicopters

EADS Program Remains On Budget And Schedule Entering Its Seventh Program Year

The U.S. Army has awarded a $212.7 million contract to EADS North America to deliver 39 UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopters (LUH) as part of its total acquisition plan. Thirty-two of these Lakotas will be produced in the Army's Security and Support (S&S) Battalion configuration. EADS North America has already delivered 198 UH-72A Lakotas to the U.S. Army, on time and within budget, along with five H-72A versions to the U.S. Navy for test pilot training.

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Fifty-Seven Student Rocket Teams To Take NASA Launch Challenge

Will Design And Build Large-Scale Models For April, 2012 Launch

More than 500 students from middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities in 29 states will show their rocketeering prowess in the 2011-12 NASA Student Launch Projects flight challenge. The teams will build and test large-scale rockets of their own design in April 2012.

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Pilot's 'Joyride' Under Scrutiny In Orange County

Hour-Long Flight With Female Deputy Questioned

At a time when many municipalities are grounding their law enforcement helicopter assets due to the recession, it's obviously bad form for a sheriff's department pilot to go flying with a female friend in a $1,000/hour Eurocopter AS 350 (similar aircraft pictured). But that's what is said to have happened in Orange County, California. Officials are not amused, especially since this would not be the first time it's happened.

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NASA Associate Administrator For Human Spaceflight Receives von Karman Award

AIAA Honor Presented Annually For Distinguished Work In Astronautics

The American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has honored Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate with the Von Karman Lectureship in Astronautics.

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UK AAIB Investigates 'Unwell' Incident

FAs Rushed To Cockpit When Both Pilots Got Lightheaded

The UK's Air Accident Investigation Branch is looking into an unusual incident aboard a British Airways A321 last month. Both pilots reportedly became suddenly "unwell" and light-headed, and issued a panicked-sounding call on the PA for the senior flight attendant to come to the cockpit. The flight, which had departed London Heathrow for Glasgow, was 20 minutes out when it turned back as a precaution.

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Hot Air Balloon Ground School Set For Greenville, SC

Palmetto Sun Balloons Offering Courses Which Culminate With The FAA Exam Available

Palmetto Sun Balloons, a family run hot air balloon company in South Carolina, will be conducting a Hot Air Balloon Ground School for Private and Commercial Pilot candidates. The school will be held at the Runway Café at Greenville Downtown Airport (KGMU) on Saturday, February 25th and Sunday, February 26th, 2012 beginning at 0800 EST each morning.

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Severe Turbulence Rocks Qantas A380

Seven Injured, Four Taken To Hospital

Passengers on a Qantas A380 discovered last weekend why we're asked to keep our seatbelts on anytime we're in our seats, not just when the "Fasten Seatbelts" light is on. While flying over India Saturday, a flight from London to Singapore hit turbulence so severe that unrestrained passengers were thrown again the overhead bins. The plane continued on three hours to its destination following the incident.

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Skydiver Blown Off Course Found In Central Florida

Member Of The Qatar Army Was Training Near Orlando

A skydiver training for duty with the Qatar Army was blown off course Thursday in a wooded area near DeLand, FL.

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AD: Schempp-Hirth Flugzeugbau Gliders

AD NUMBER: 2012-01-02

PRODUCT: Schempp-Hirth Flugzeugbau GmbH Model Discus 2cT gliders

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Airborne 01.13.12: Robinson Doubles Up, NTSB's Airshow Hearings, BRS Chutes Again!

Also: ETS, Whooping Cranes, Pipistrel, Avemco, Hartzell, Avidyne, 787s, NIMBYs, Bell, NASA... and SO MUCH MORE!

It's been an interesting week for the Airborne crew... in addition to souring the aviation world for news, we've had the chance to look at the long range ramifications of some of the stories that we reported on in 2011... stories that will obviously still be affecting us throughout this year. The NTSB hearings into air race and airshow safety issues went off quite professionally and we believe the aviation world showed the world what it was... concerned professionals who have always had safety foremost in their minds and actions. In other areas, though, it's obvious that the EU ETS scheme will be a costly one, although it seems that the Administration may actually be w

EAA Shakeup? Dozens of Pinkslips Reported Along With a High-Profile Resignation

What Is Going On At EAA???

There appears to be a first class shakeup going on at EAA... and the result is that a number of major talents and personnel have been shown the door and at least one has walked out. ANN is monitoring multiple reports that indicate that EAA has given walking papers to a number of staff members, reassigned others, and is dealing with at least one high-profile resignation... with rumors of more to come. We know that long-time EAA photographer, Jim Koepnick has been let go along with a number of publications personnel (E-Pub and Editorial staff), at least one other high-profile writer has been given reduced responsibilities (reportedly at her request), and Adam Smith, once thought to be headed for much bigger and better things has reportedly resigned...

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Airborne 01.13.12: Robinson Doubles Up, NTSB Airshow Hearings, BRS Chutes Again!

Also: ETS, Whooping Cranes, Pipistrel, Avemco, Hartzell, Avidyne, 787s, NIMBYs, Bell, NASA... and SO MUCH MORE!

Airborne 01.13.12 is chock full of info about the week ending Friday, January 13th, 2012 -- our FIRST Airborne of 2012... Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Host Ashley Hale, and supported by ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell, Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, and Aero-Journalists Tom Patton and Paul Plack, this episode covers: NTSB Holds Hearing on air show and air race safety ETS Will Be Costly FAA Quits Squawking... Whooping Cranes

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New Petition Asks Obama, 'Undo The Damage'

Rep. Mike Pompeo Seeks Signatures, GA Benefit Anecdotes

President Obama at some point made a tactical decision to paint general aviation as a frivolous pursuit of one-percenters. Kansas Fourth-District Republican Representative Mike Pompeo is seeking re-election, and has decided that a petition to the White House seeking a stop to the rhetorical trashing of the industry is a worthwhile campaign pursuit.

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Lockheed Martin Delivers First Two Marine Corps F-35s To Eglin

Assigned To 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing's Marine Fighter/Attack Training Squadron 501

The first two production model F-35B short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft were delivered to the U.S. Marine Corps Wednesday. The two jets are now assigned to the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing's Marine Fighter/Attack Training Squadron 501 residing with the host 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin AFB, FL.

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Lufthansa Concludes Biofuel Tests On Domestic Routes

No Further Testing Planned Until Fuel Is More Readily Available

After a six-month practical trial involving biosynthetic fuel, Lufthansa said this week that it had successfully operated 1,187 biofuel flights between Hamburg and Frankfurt. According to initial calculations, CO2 emissions were reduced by 1,621 tons. Total consumption of the biokerosene mix amounted to 1,715 tons. 

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Airlines Report One Tarmac Delay Longer Than Three Hours On Domestic Flights

November Stats Show One Longer Than Four Hours on International Flights For The Month

Airlines reported only one tarmac delay of more than three hours on domestic flights and one tarmac delay of more than four hours on international flights in November, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report.  The larger U.S. airlines have been required to report long tarmac delays on their domestic flights since October 2008. 

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Klyde Morris 01.13.2012

Klyde Knows What The Election Season Is REALLY All About


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Alcohol A Possible Factor In Wisconsin Accident

Cessna 150 Aerobat Left Dangling In The Trees

A 1969 Cessna Aerobat went downlate Wednesday night or early Thursday morning near Stangelville, WI, resulting in the serious injury of its pilot/owner.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (01.13.12)

"The purpose of this petition is to remind you that countless American lives are touched by aviation, and to share with you the stories of those families and communities you are hurting." Source: Letter to President Obama posted on the "America Flies" website.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.13.12): Ferry Flight

A flight to return an aircraft to base, deliver an aircraft from one location to another, and other purposes.  

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.13.12)

Association of Naval Aviation

The mission of ANA is to educate the general public about the overall military status of the United States, to encourage widespread interest as to the importance of Naval Aviation in the defense of the United States and its allies.

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