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January 02, 2011

DC Security Scrambled Over Airliner Comm Failure

Security Paranoia Strikes Again, Pilot Error Blamed

A short-term communications failure on a scheduled airliner resulted in yet another evacuation of a number of government offices in the Washington, DC, area.

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2010 Year In Review: Business Aviation

Industry Remained Down, But Optimistic

Business aviation in 2010 was largely about survival. Some companies continued to lay off employees, while others announced expansions. But for those looking beyond 2010, most saw signs of recovery ... albiet still off on the horizon. Here is a sampling of the business aviation stories ANN brought you in 2010.

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2010 Year In Review: Military Aviation

There Was A Tug-Of-War Over F-35 Engines, Replacement Tankers

The long-awaited F-35 flight test program got going in ernest in 2010, but there was still no agreement in Congress over whether there should be an alternative engine. Airbus and Boeing continued to spar over a replacement for the aging KC-153 tanker, and the military tested several aircraft on biofuel blends.

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Cessna Collides With Med-Helo

Two Dead, Helo Manages Controlled Landing, Cessna Not So Fortunate

A tragic mid-air collision has claimed the live of two people aboard a Cessna 172 that clipped the skids of a Eurocopter EC135. The 1967 C-172 lost a significant portion of its left wing after colliding with the lower part of the EC135 and impacted an area approximately one half mile North of the Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport in Weyers Cave, VA. The accident occurred at 1430 local time and involved AirCare 5, a medical transport helicopter, operated under contract by PHI.

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More Airports Consider TSA Opt-Out

Passenger Frustration With Screening May Start A Trend

From late-night comics to angry members of Congress, TSA's full body scans and "enhanced" pat down procedures have gotten a full ration of bad publicity this year, to the point where a growing number of airports are considering reclaiming control of security screening from the government agency.

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Flyers Rights Claims Stranded Int'l Pax May be Owed Compensation

International Victims May Have Rights to Compensation For Huge Delays at JFK

Flyers Rights has weighed in on the recent stranding of a great number of international airline passengers in the recent 'snowpocalypse' in the New York area... They claim that 'International airline passengers, under the Montreal Convention of 1999 ratified by the U.S. in 2003 (and which replaced the Warsaw Convention), now have legal rights that are in some ways superior to the rights of passengers on U.S. domestic flights.

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NTSB Factual Report: Sleepy Helo Pilot Plows Field The Hard Way

You Can't Fly Safely Without Proper Rest

You could have seen this one coming a mile away, and yet as I read the report, I remember a LONG night I spent flying frost control in an R22 quite a few years ago... ALL night long -- with few breaks -- and then flew the machine another hour in the morning to get it back to home base and was about as tired as I have ever been... so there for the grace of God, go I.

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NASA Seeks Space Technology Graduate Fellowship Applicants

Program Goal Is To Improve U.S. Competitiveness In Tech Sector

NASA is seeking applications from graduate students for the agency's new Space Technology Research Fellowships. Applications are being accepted from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of graduate students interested in performing space technology research beginning in the fall of 2011.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.02.11): Alclad

Alclad Trademark name of Alcoa for high-strength sheet aluminum clad with a layer (approximately 5.5% thickness per side) of high-purity aluminum, popularly used in airplane manufacture.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.02.11)

Aero-Linx: Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS) 'Piloting safer flight.' That’s the motto put forth by Lockheed Martin flight services specialists. Each week, they help provide a range of services to between 80,000 and 90,000 members of the general aviation community.  On behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration, they provide these services to the pilot population 24/7. They provide users of the National Airspace System—from Hawaii to Puerto Rico to every state in the contiguous US.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (01.02.11)

"Shortly after that we reestablished contact with the plane, and it has been on the ground at (Reagan National Airport) for a while. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials are interviewing the pilots." Source: The FAA's Diane Spitaliere, describing what occured after Piedmont Airlines Flight 4352, enroute to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport from Hilton Head, South Carolina, lost contact during its approach for some 15 minutes due to what was reported to be a "readback error."

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