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Fri, May 16, 2003

Sweet But Dumb

'Welcome Home' Diversion Causes Panic

A Continental Airlines 777 caused a panic all over Manhattan Wednesday, as it circled the Statue of Liberty, and passed fairly low (3000 feet) over the city's busy island. [Normally, on approach to Newark, 3500 feet is common. The panic stemmed more from the unusual flight path --ed.]

The FAA had given Flight 3021 permission to divert from its regular flight plan, "to provide a special homecoming for members of our armed forces," who were aboard, the FAA said in a statement.

The agency continued, saying it was sorry, and that ATC-ers "regret any negative effect this flight had on some New York City residents."

Mayor Michael Bloomberg was ticked off. He didn't know; his people didn't know; 911 didn't know. His office issued a statement that said, in part, "Considering the world we live in and New York City's recent history, one would expect a little more concern, sensitivity and notice from the FAA when they authorize a plane to fly at that altitude over lower Manhattan."

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, on radio Thursday morning, said he hadn't yet heard of the incident.

This sightseeing-by-777 is a one-time thing, apparently. The FAA said it won't happen again.

FMI: www.faa.gov


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