Wed, Jul 09, 2003
AD NUMBER: 97-18-02R1
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 97-18-02 R1
SUMMARY: CORRECTION - This amendment
revises an existing airworthiness directive (AD), that is
applicable to Hartzell Propeller Inc. ( )HC-()(2,3)(X,V)(
)-( ) series and HA-A2V20-1B series
propellers with aluminum blades. That AD currently requires initial
and repetitive dye penetrant and eddy current inspections of the
blade and an optical comparator inspection of the blade retention
area, and, if necessary, replacement with serviceable parts. In
addition, that AD currently requires initial and repetitive visual
and magnetic particle inspection of the blade clamp, dye penetrant
inspection ofthe blade internal bearing bore, and, if necessary,
replacement with serviceable parts. Also, for all
HC-(1,4,5,8)(2,3)(X,V)( )-( ) steel hub
propellers, that AD currently requires an additional initial and
repetitive visual and magnetic particle inspection of the hub, and,
if necessary, replacement with serviceable parts. This amendment
revises that AD by permitting the replacement of affected
propellers with Hartzell Propeller Inc. model "MV" series
propellers as an optional terminating action for the initial and
repetitive inspections of that AD. This amendment is prompted by
type certification approval of the Hartzell "MV" series propellers
that are direct replacements for the affected propellers, and
service bulletin approval to allow modification of affected
propellers to the "MV" type design configuration. The actions
specified by this AD are intended to prevent blade separation due
to cracked blades, hubs, or blade clamps, which can result in loss
of control of the airplane.
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