Mon, Sep 02, 2024
Visitors Can Scan QR Codes For In-depth Insider Info On Exhibits
The EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, has rolled out a new feature that will allow visitors to easily obtain additional in-depth information about museum exhibits as they wander around on their own. An initial batch of self-guided QR codes have been added to selected exhibits that visitors can scan and receive the content on their mobile devices.
The program is called “Inside The Hangar” and enables visitors to experience enhanced interaction with exhibits as they gain additional information without having to download a specific app. The software known as Synthesia opens when a visitor scans the QR code at an exhibit. It then offers extra features including the exhibit’s background, archival photos not on display, and other information too voluminous to place on the exhibit’s signage.
The museum entrance is where visitors will see the first QR code that explains the self-guided tour and its options and benefits. The codes are currently available at some of EAA’s elemental aircraft such as the Mechanix Illustrated Baby Ace, Little Audrey, and Little Bonzo. The Huey helicopter exhibit in the Eagle Hangar also has a QR code.
Amelia Anderson, the EAA Aviation Museum collections curator pointed out, “Museum visitors throughout the nation are now seeking more interaction with displays and exhibits they see and the Synthesia software allows EAA to bring far more depth to an exhibit than we could fit on a sign. This system also offers a way to bring additional and behind-the-scenes information about an exhibit as we discover it. As this proves more popular, we will add it to more exhibits in the coming year.”
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