ICAS 2003: Snowbirds Ready for Busy 2004 Schedule | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Dec 12, 2003

ICAS 2003: Snowbirds Ready for Busy 2004 Schedule

By ANN Correspondent Rob Milford

At times on the floor of the ICAS convention hall, the buzz was intense, the press of people and handshakes was unrelenting. In the middle of all that, Canadian Air Force Major Steve Will (call-sign “Swill”) was smiling and taking it all in. He’s the boss, the team leader for the Snowbirds, and with the announcement of their 2004 schedule on Monday, and 63 shows, he knows where he’s going, and he and the team are excited about that.

“This is our first trip ever to Key West, right at the start of May, and we’ll be performing over the beach. In fact, we go from Key West to the a show north of the Arctic Circle, in little more than 2 weeks!”

He’s referring to the town or village of Nunavut, followed a few weeks later by a visit to Inuvik, Northwest Territories, on the Beaufort Sea (or the southern shore of the Arctic Ocean).

This is the 34th year of operations for the Snowbirds, and the schedule is about “normal” says Major Will “There was one year when we flew 80 shows or appearances… and that was tough.”. “We really like flying the small air shows, or doing an event in a small town. Those people are so appreciative, and it keeps us in tune with our mission.

One of the highlights will be the 50th Anniversary of the CAF base at Cold Lake, Alberta “Promises to be an excellent show, and we’ll be flying there with the Thunderbirds.” That’s one of two appearances with the ‘Birds,( and Redding, Cal. In October) plus four with the Blue Angels (Ft. Lauderdale Air & Sea Show, Andrews AFB, Shearwater, Nova Scotia and Salinas, California in October).

As for the fantasy flight, “Swill” says he’s like to work out a tour of the Caribbean, including Jamaica, The Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas. “We’ve been invited to fly in Mexico… a matter of the governments to work out, but we’d love to go!”

ANN considers that a newsworthy event… so we’ll be waiting on the beach with an adult beverage (including umbrella) for the arrival show.

SnowBird 2004 Airshow Schedule   

1-2                Ft. Lauderdal,e FL
8-9                Vidalia, GA
12                  Dobbins ARB, GA
14-16            Andrews AFB, MD
19                 Grande Valle, PQ
22-23           Summerside, PEI
26                Nunavut, NU
29-30           Riviere Duloup, PQ


5-6                CFB Winnipeg, MB
9                   Virden, MB
13                 CFB Moose Jaw, SK
16                 Hanover, ON
19-20           Sarnia, ON
23                St. Isidore, PQ
24                St. Georges, PQ
25-27           London, ON


1                 Ottawa, ON
3-4              Muskegon, MI
17-18          CFB Cold Lake, AB
21               Inuvik, NT
24               Yellowknife, NT
25               Peace River, AB
28               Watson Lake, YT
31               Williams Lake, BC


1                Kelowna, BC
4                Wetaskawin, AB
7-8             Lethbridge, AB
11              Vancouver, BC
13-15         Abbotsford, BC
21-22         Saskatoon, SK
25              Lynn Lake, MB
28-29        St. Catherines, ON


1              Brantford, ON
4-6           Toronto, ON
11-12      CFB Shearwater, NS
15           Pictou, NS
18-19     Sherbrooke, PQ
25-26     McConnell ARB, KS
29          Tucumcari, NM


2-3        Salinas, CA
9-10      Redding, CA
15         CFB Moose Jaw, SK

FMI: www.snowbirds.forces.gc.ca/index_e.asp


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