MedEvac Foundation Announces 2017 SMTA Scholarship Winner | Aero-News Network
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Sun, May 14, 2017

MedEvac Foundation Announces 2017 SMTA Scholarship Winner

Andrew Holcomb To Receive Financial Support From The Organization

The MedEvac Foundation International has awarded the 2017 Safety Management Training Academy (SMTA) Scholarship to Andrew Holcomb, Flight Paramedic for PHI Air Medical. Andrew receives the scholarship based on his commitment to aviation safety in our industry.

Mr. Holcomb’s responsibilities include being the PHI Regional Safety Chair, tracking all safety activity in California, and regularly auditing base locations.   Andrew is also an air medical resource management (AMRM) instructor.  “Trends in safety are always changing and bringing new challenges to the air medical industry”, states Andrew.  “By attending SMTA, this allows for further safety information and best-practices to flow back to my company in order to promote and create a better safety culture.”

Mr. Holcomb’s responsibilities include being the PHI Regional Safety Chair, tracking all safety activity in California, and regularly auditing base locations.   Andrew is also an air medical resource management (AMRM) instructor.  “Trends in safety are always changing and bringing new challenges to the air medical industry”, states Andrew.  “By attending SMTA, this allows for further safety information and best-practices to flow back to my company in order to promote and create a better safety culture.”

SMTA provides formal continuing education for individuals (and their organizations) interested in improving their understanding of safety systems theory and the application of that theory to the practice of medical transportation.  The Academy operates with a rigorous approach to competency-based education, utilizing formal classroom hours, mandatory student participation, written testing, and a code of professional conduct.

The scholarship is made possible through a gift to the Foundation by the Air Medical Operators Association (AMOA). “Providing exceptional safety training for air medical providers is our primary goal, and vital to crew members and patients around the world,” says AMOA Interim President, Ed Stockhausen.  “Our continued support of the SMTA Scholarship is one significant way that AMOA remains committed to that goal.”

“Andrew’s passion for safety and his desire to promote safety, in his and other organizations, are what make him an exemplary candidate for the 2017 SMTA Scholarship,” says MedEvac Foundation President and CEO, Rick Sherlock.  “SMTA provides a wide range of safety education that will provide the background, knowledge, and skills Mr. Holcomb desires to help make PHI Air Medical's safety programs and other safety programs even more effective.”

There is still limited space available for the Safety Management Training Academy!  Click here to learn more about the Academy.

(Image provided with MedEvac Foundation news release)



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