Sat, Aug 24, 2024
Noise Complaints, Growth Spurred Study
Driven by noise complaints, anticipated growth, and limitations on the current airport property, in 2023 the Airport Authority Board of Naples Airport (KAPF) in Florida commissioned an Airport Exploratory Study to assess the feasibility of building a new airport in Collier County outside of Naples where it is currently located. Some called it the Relocation Study.
The Airport Board recently met to discuss the final draft study and there are decidedly a mix of opinions.
Zac Burch, communications manager for the airport authority said, “This is something that’s been discussed off and on since the 70s, and never has there really been a full analysis and a full accounting of what it would take. Is it possible? And if so, what would it take? What would be the benefits of potentially relocating the airport?”
The study concluded that relocation would require significant resources. Initial estimates of the cost place it at about $1 billion. Adding commercial airline service would increase the cost. There are also challenges finding suitable land. Although there is a lot of open space to the east, much of it is under permanent conservation as federal or state park land. Nonetheless, the study did identify four potential sites for consideration.
The Airport Authority Board decided to present the report to both the City of Naples City Council and Collier County for further discussion.
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