Young Eagles Heading for Goal: 900,000th Flown | Aero-News Network
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Fri, May 16, 2003

Young Eagles Heading for Goal: 900,000th Flown

Millionth Youngster Expected by December 17

On Thursday morning, May 15, EAA's Young Eagles office announced that Young Eagle #900,000 had been officially entered into the world's largest logbook. He is 13-year-old Michael Baker of Paden (OK), and he received his flight May 3 during an EAA Chapter flight rally at Thomas Municipal Airport (OK25) in Thomas (OK). The pilot was David Ames, EAA 439967, Young Eagle Coordinator for Chapter 1098, Shawnee (OK).

"I'm thrilled to death about that," Ames said when informed of the milestone. Coincidentally, Ames had just sent a packet off to the EAA Young Eagles office containing the names of 27 more new Young Eagles. "We're over that hump, we just need another 100,000 and we'll reach the goal of 1 million."

There's still time to help out. Just look:

Ames, who has flown 358 kids in his 1975 Piper Archer, describes Chapter 1098 as very dedicated to the Young Eagles program and its goals for not only reaching 1 million kids by December 17, but also exposing young people to the wonder of flight. "There's a real aggressive spirit in our chapter about flying Young Eagles," he said. "I set a goal for our chapter of 500 kids this year, and I think we're going to make it. We did 78 at the event at Thomas and the next day did 63, so I think we're well on our way to meeting the goal.

"We have a lot of pilots who will do anything I ask them to do," Ames continued. "They'll just jump in where they can. On weekend events, it's not unusual for eight or 10 pilots from a Chapter of 40 members to show up and provide flight experiences for young kids."

Chapter 1098 and other state EAA Chapters cooperate with the University of Oklahoma's aviation program, which conducts weeklong Sooner Flight Academy events at small airports around the state. On academy Thursdays, they ask EAAers to come and give Young Eagles flights. They also conduct high school and middle school assemblies, and then invite kids and their parents out for flights.

"This is an outstanding achievement and symbolizes the commitment of EAA and our members to the future of aviation," said EAA President Tom Poberezny. This is the last significant milestone on our way to the goal of 1 million Young Eagles by December 17, 2003."



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