A Few Words About This Year's April 1st Edition | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Mar 31, 2018

A Few Words About This Year's April 1st Edition

Sorry to Disappoint... But Our Hearts Just Aren't In It This Year...

For a few decades, we've greatly enjoyed the chance to spoof you, make you do a double (or triple) take, and just plain amaze you with our bizarre sense of humor every April 1st. The April 1st edition has become legendary in the aero-biz, and we've really enjoyed bringing it to you.

However; the last few days leading up to this year's event have, well, kinda sucked... in a big way.

The loss of my Father a few days ago, coupled with the fact that our family memorial service will take place this Saturday, AND the fact that April 1st is my parent's anniversary have put me in a less than productively silly mood.

SO... if you don't mind folks, I need to take a break from the April Fool's shenanigans this year... with a sincere promise to come back next year even more bizarre, more brazen, and more insane than ever.

I simply needed these last few days (and the next several) to remember my Dad, support my family, and get used to a world bereft of one of the pivotal figures in my life.

Sorry to disappoint, folks, but I hope you can understand how our hearts simply aren't in the game right now.

All the best...

FMI: jim@aero-news.net


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