Sun, Nov 15, 2009
EADS Hopes For First Flight By Year's End
The first Airbus Military A400M has been handed over to the
Airbus "Flight Test" organization on 12 November, paving the way to
the beginning of the various ground tests which are to be performed
before the aircraft takes to the air before year end. The purpose
of these ground tests is to verify that all aircraft systems,
powerplant and flight test instrumentation work properly, in order
to ensure a safe First Flight, and subsequently an efficient flight
test campaign.
The ground tests include static tests and engine run-ups during
which the interaction between all systems, the powerplant and the
aircraft is controlled and validated. The correct operation of the
telemetry system which will be subsequently used to follow the
flights during the development campaign will also be checked during
these ground test campaign. Following satisfactory completion of
the static tests, the first taxi runs can start. These begin with
low speed taxis (up to 60 kts) and brakings, and are to be followed
by high speed trials with a rejected take-off at about 120 kts.
During these trials, the behavior of all systems, and the turboprop
engines, as well as the reaction of the aircraft to braking and
lateral control, is thoroughly checked.
After each trial a thorough analysis of the findings as well as
the status of the aircraft will determine when the next trial will
take place, leading to a first flight before year end.
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