Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.06.24) | Aero-News Network
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Wed, Nov 06, 2024

Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.06.24)

Aero-News: Quote of the Day

ANN's Quote of the Day usually derives from current news, though we reserve the right to pick quotes out of history that have a bearing on the day's events and issues.

Sometimes, you'll find them timely and in keeping with the content of the day's news... and sometimes, they'll just be thought-provoking.

Reader suggestions and comments are welcome... and if particularly intriguing, timely, or poignant, may themselves become future Quotes of the Day.

Let us hear from you, folks!

Aero-News Quote of the Day

“The aerospace supply chain supports industry growth and opportunities. It involves tens of thousands of suppliers from all over the globe which provide parts, platforms and systems that require regulatory approval for use and installation, all of which may not be easily replaced or substituted. It is essential that both government and industry work together to ensure the stability of the supply chain, which was the reasoning behind the assembly of the Aerospace Supply Chain Resiliency Task Force..."

Source: From a reaction to a task force report by General Aviation Manufacturers Association Vice President of Government Affairs, Paul Feldman



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