Southwest Airlines Pilots Applaud Key Safety Program Amendment Passage | Aero-News Network
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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Sat, Jun 08, 2013

Southwest Airlines Pilots Applaud Key Safety Program Amendment Passage

Union Urges Senate To Follow House's Lead And Pass Restoration Of FFDO Funding

Southwest Airlines Pilots' Association (SWAPA) is calling for the U.S. Senate to follow the lead of the U.S. House of Representatives, which recently passed an amendment to restore Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) program funding. The amendment, authored by Representatives Richard Hudson (R-NC), Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and former Transportation Committee Chairman John Mica (R-FL), passed by voice vote Wednesday during floor consideration of FY2014 Homeland Security Appropriations.  The underlying DHS funding bill passed the House Thursday by a vote of 245-182.

"The FFDO program is one of the best federal programs to protect passengers, pilots, flight crews and also the general public from acts of terrorism," said SWAPA President, Captain Mark Richardson. "Our pilots extend our most sincere appreciation to Congressmen Hudson, DeFazio and Mica for their leadership in protecting this critical safety measure."

The FFDO program trains qualified pilots in the use of force, defensive tactics and other survival procedures. Federal Flight Deck Officers are sworn and deputized federal law enforcement officers commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security/TSA Law Enforcement Division.  Since its inception, the FFDO program has been one of the most cost-effective initiatives aimed at protecting our nation's aviation system. Created in response to the unprecedented attacks on September 11, 2001, the FFDO program has added a vital layer of security with minimal federal investment.

Passage of the Hudson/DeFazio/Mica amendment completes efforts in the House to restore funding. The President proposed elimination of FFDO funding in his FY2014 budget proposal.  The Appropriations Committee restored half the funding ($12.5 million) when it passed its Homeland Security bill in May.  The amendment increased funding levels for FFDO by an additional $12.5 million, to a total of $25 million.  Action is now required in the Senate.

"While we are pleased with the House actions, we now turn our attention to the Senate," Captain Richardson said. "As the voice of pilots serving the largest domestic U.S. airline, SWAPA and our pilot membership will work with key Senators to continue the fight to avert these cuts to this vital aviation security program."



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