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Fri, Mar 14, 2003

Senate Supports Cargo Pilots

Senate Committee Thinks Self-Defense is a Good Thing

Although the risk of having a "nasty passenger" is, of course, lower on cargo flights, the chance of having an Air Marshal on such a flight is zero; and Thursday the US Senate Commerce Committee unanimously voted out a bill that would arm trained cockpit crew, on cargo flights.

Interestingly, the relevant amendment was sponsored by the heretofore rabidly anti-gun senator, Barbara Boxer (D-CA).

ALPA Comments:

Capt. Duane Woerth, president of the Air Line Pilots Association, International, responded to this action:

"We applaud the action taken today by the Senate Commerce Committee, in unanimously adopting an amendment offered by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), which is identical to her bill, S.516, mandating the arming of cargo airline pilots. Senator Boxer has been a vocal advocate of giving all commercial pilots the ability to participate in this important security program, and ALPA is grateful for her dedication to this issue.

"This clears the way for Senate action on this crucial security enhancement, as part of S.165, a bill that deals with other cargo security issues. Cargo airline security frequently has been overlooked in the post- 9/11 rush to fix passenger security. We look forward to working with both the Senate and the House, where a companion bill, H.R. 765, has been introduced, as the next step toward improving security in cargo airline operations."

Allied Pilots Added:

The Allied Pilots Association (APA), collective bargaining agent for the 13,500 pilots of American Airlines, issued the following statement in response to the news that the Senate Commerce Committee approved language calling for arming the nation's cargo pilots:

"Considering the fact that cargo aircraft do not have strengthened cockpit doors, Federal Air Marshals, trained cabin crew or vigilant passengers, arming cargo pilots is particularly vital as part of enhanced aviation security," said Captain John E. Darrah, APA President. "We commend the Commerce Committee for their actions, and call on the full Congress to expedite approval of this important national security initiative."



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