NTSB Offers Major Accident, Incident Emergency Communication Training | Aero-News Network
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Airborne AffordableFlyers-12.12.24


Sun, Jul 24, 2016

NTSB Offers Major Accident, Incident Emergency Communication Training

To Be Held In Ashburn, VA In September

The NTSB is devoting two days at its Training Center to offer guidance to aviation public affairs professionals on effective management of emergency communication following a major aircraft accident or incident.

The training is scheduled for Sept. 29-30, 2016, at the NTSB Training Center, Ashburn, Virginia, (near Washington, D.C.) and is aimed at communication professionals working with airports, airlines, air charter operators and corporations with aviation departments.

NTSB officials will explain how investigation-related information is verified and released to the news media and to family members of those affected by a major accident.

Students will hear from members of the national news media, who will discuss how they cover aviation accidents and how social media has changed how breaking news is disseminated and consumed. Aviation communication professionals will provide case studies highlighting best practices and lessons learned during previous aircraft incidents and accidents.

(Source: NTSB news release)

FMI: http://go.usa.gov/xcut5


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