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November 19, 2007
ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 11.20.07
Cirrus announces it will not bid for Columbia Aircraft.
Granger Whitelaw says, neither will he.
And Chicago Center has its second close call in four days.
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ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 11.20.07
Granger Whitelaw says, neither will he.
And Chicago Center has its second close call in four days.
ANN Special Feature: Doug Cairns, Diabetes World Flight - 11.20.07
ANN's Paul Plack talks with Doug Cairns, a former British RAF pilot and instructor who lost his career to a diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes, came the the US to regain his medical certification, then f
ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 11.19.07
The airlines say Bush's congestion relief plan will help.
Delta CEO Richard Anderson gets peppered with merger questions by Congress.
And an instructor and two students are lost when a PA-28
ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 11.19.07
Delta CEO Richard Anderson gets peppered with merger questions by Congress.
And an instructor and two students are lost when a PA-28 goe
ANN Special Feature: CFII Bob Miller, Listener E-mails - 11.19.07
ANN's Paul Plack and CFII Bob Miller of Over The Airwaves discuss listener e-mail sent in response to last week's discussion of training for flight in icing.