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January 01, 2004

Klyde Morris 01.01.04

Klyde Welcomes The New Year....

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ALPA/Mesaba Pilots Sue Employer for Alleged Mishandling of 401(k) Funds

Mesaba Airlines pilots have filed a lawsuit against their employer for the mishandling of contributions to their individual 401(k) retirement plans. According to documents filed with U.S. District court in Minneapolis today, the pilots allege Mesaba withheld money from their paychecks that was earmarked for their 401(k)s, but never actually deposited the money into the pilots' retirement accounts. "Mesaba has been deducting money from our paychecks that was supposed to go into our 401(k) accounts, but instead they've kept the money in the company's coffers," said Kris Pierson, Mesaba pilot and ALPA spokesman. In addition, the lawsuit alleges that Mesaba failed to make all of the matching contributions required under the plan, made certain other contributions outside of the l

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HAPPY New Year: America West Pilots Ratify Tentative Agreement

America West Airlines has announced it has been informed by ALPA that its pilots have voted to ratify a three-year contract. America West Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Doug Parker stated, "We are pleased with today's vote results and believe this represents an important step forward in the continuing transformation of our airline. The America West team is comprised of nearly 13,000 aviation professionals, and each employee has played a key role in our airline's turnaround. Our pilots have played an important role in our turnaround, and I applaud their efforts in running a great operation. I am also grateful for the professionalism and integrity displayed during the negotiation process."

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ANN Names New Managing Editor

Arturo Weiss Joins ANN When we first announced that we would be searching for a new Senior Editor some weeks ago, we were unprepared for the quantity and quality of the resumes we received, in response. We were impressed and humbled at the kind of people who spoke of an interest in joining the Aviation World's Most Dynamic DAILY News Service. While the quality of many of the people who applied was pretty impressive, so were the backgrounds and work experience claimed by many. ANN covers the entire aviation and aerospace world, so someone with an extensive background in a number of aero-disciplines was just what the flight surgeon ordered. Finally; temperament and personality is a big deal here at ANN... we work REALLY hard here... so working alongside staffer

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Heading Into ANN's Fifth Year... How Do You (Adequately) Say Thanks?

Happy New Year! Not a day goes past without my receiving emails or phone calls from ANN readers expressing their thanks for what we bring to you each and every day. Many of these communication come from people who have read ANN since its inception and many more from those who have been reading me, personally, since my print days with US Aviator and or even further back to Air Progress, Sport Pilot and beyond... Many of you know about the road that we've taken on this journey and how the trip has not always been the most joyful pursuit one can take on... and that it has been, at times, difficult if not treacherous. We've been tested... time and time again. We've gotten what seems like more than our fair share of the hard breaks, the (seemingly) impossible tasks, and the

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ANN Free Classifieds Featured Ad: Piper Seneca II

For Sale: Piper Seneca II Piper Seneca II 1975 , Deiced Turbo, approx 5900 TT, 1200/1500 SMOH, 0/0 SPOH, King stack thru Rnav, Radar Alt, Stormscope, Foster Loran, Cent-III AP, heavy gear,Stereo/cassette, intercom, Fresh comprehensive annual, 815-218-3219   Used, will sell for $97,000.00

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AD: Anjou

AD NUMBER: 2003-26-06 MANUFACTURER: Safety Belts SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2003-26-06 SUMMARY: The FAA adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Anjou Aeronautique (ANJOU) (formerly TRW Repa S.A., formerly L'AIGLON) safety belts and restraint systems that are installed in aircraft. This AD requires you to inspect safety belts and restraint systems for defects and service life limits, and, if necessary, repair safety belts and restraint systems that have not reached service life limits; and replace safety belts and restraint systems that have reached service life limits. This AD is the result of reports of inadvertent unbuckling of the ANJOU seatbelts and two safety recommendations to

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AD: Agusta

AD NUMBER: 2003-26-04 MANUFACTURER: Agusta SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2003-26-04 SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Agusta S.p.A. (Agusta) Model A109E helicopters. This action requires certain inspections of the rod-end of the main rotor head damper for freedom of movement, and depending on the torque required to move the rod-end, either further inspection for a crack or replacing the rod-end. This amendment is prompted by reports of rod-end fractures due to fatigue failure resulting in increased helicopter vibrations. This condition, if not corrected, could result in failure of the rod-end, extreme vibrations, and a subsequent forced landing or loss of control

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AD: Cessna

AD NUMBER: 2003-24-13 MANUFACTURER: Cessna (CORRECTION) SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2003-24-13 SUMMARY: The FAA adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna) Models 172R, 172S, 182S, 182T, T182T, 206H, and T206H airplanes that are equipped with a Honeywell KAP 140 autopilot computer system installed on the center instrument controlpanel near the throttle. This AD requires you to install an update to the operating software of theKAP 140 autopilot computer system, change the unit's part number, and change the softwaremodification identification tag. This AD is the result of reports of inadvertent and undetected engagement of the autopilot system. We are issui

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Seattle Area Pilots: Watch Out For Short-Notice TFR Near Space Needle

Despite the fact that it took some hours to appear on the FAA TFR web site (showing up some time after 2000 EST), we understand (via our friends at AOPA) that the FAA has issued a very last-minute temporary flight restriction for New Year's Eve night in Seattle. The NOTAM was published after 6 p.m. EST, less than six hours before the TFR was to go into effect. In the past, AOPA has (justifiably) argued that the FAA must give pilots adequate notice of flight restrictions — not doing so sets pilots up for unintentional violations. The 1-nm-radius restricted area is centered on the Space Needle and extends up to 3,000 feet. It will be in effect from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. local.

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TX (Waco) TFR Update: 01/01

Happy New Year, You're Grounded NOTAM: 3/2323 Issued: 12/31/2003 19:09 Effective: 01/01/2004 12:20 - 01/01/2004 13:15 State: TX Facility: ZFW - FORT WORTH (ARTCC),TX. Type: VIP Description: WACO, TEXAS, JANUARY 1, 2004 LOCAL.

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NY TFR Update: Tonight's the Night

Happy New Year, You're Grounded NOTAM: 3/2287 Issued: 12/31/2003 13:57 Effective: 12/31/2003 18:00 - 01/01/2004 02:00 State: NY Facility: ZNY - NEW YORK (ARTCC),NY. Type: SECURITY Description: NEW YORK, NY.

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NV TFR Update: Tonight's the Night

Happy New Year, You're Grounded NOTAM: 3/2282 Issued: 12/31/2003 11:51 Effective: 12/31/2003 20:00 - 01/01/2004 03:00 State: NV Facility: ZLA - LOS ANGELES (ARTCC)PALMDALE, CA. Type: SECURITY Description: LAS VEGAS, NV.

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TX TFR Update: 12/31-01/03

Happy New Year, You're Grounded NOTAM: 3/2310 Issued: 12/31/2003 17:06 Effective: 12/31/2003 11:00 - 01/03/2004 11:30 State: TX Facility: ZFW - FORT WORTH (ARTCC),TX. Type: VIP Description: FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS CRAWFORD, TEXAS, DECEMBER 31, 2003-JANUARY 3, 2004 LOCAL. 

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TX (Waco) TFR Update: 01/03

Happy New Year... You're Grounded AGAIN NOTAM: 3/2326 Issued: 12/31/2003 19:20 Effective: 01/03/2004 17:00 - 01/03/2004 18:00 State: TX Facility: ZFW - FORT WORTH (ARTCC),TX. Type: VIP Description: WACO, TEXAS, JANUARY 3, 2004 LOCAL.

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