AD NUMBER: 2004-10-14
MANUFACTURER: Textron Lycoming
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2004-10-14
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness
directive (AD) that supersedes an existing AD, for Lycoming Engines
(formerly Textron Lycoming), direct-drive reciprocating engines
(except O-145, O-320H, O-360E, LO-360E, LTO -360E, O-435, and
TIO-541 series engines). That AD currently requires inspection of
the crankshaft gear installation and rework or replacement of the
gears where necessary after a propeller strike, sudden stoppage, at
overhaul, or whenever gear train repair is required. This AD
requires the same actions but makes the correction that the
existing gear retaining bolt and lockplate be remo