Sat, Dec 18, 2021
Wind Tunnel Testing Begun on Fixed-Wing Cargo Drone
Hydrogen propulsion experts, H3 Dynamics has begun a new phase in its hybrid electric systems, working from its locations in Austin, Texas and Toulouse, France.

The company has started its initial wind tunnel testing on its prototype, small scale, hydrogen-powered aircraft. Their most recent work, in association with partnered companies and universities, pertains to the "deep physics behind aircraft integration of hydrogen-electric systems in the context of aeronautical regulations". The move to hydrogen brings with it a variety of differences from standard petroleum-based fuels, requiring changes in handling, engineering, storage, and delivery in order to meet the same standards as regular aircraft.

H3 hopes to refine their air mobility technology to commercial viability for their unmanned, hydrogen-electric aerial vehicles. While development continues on their planned piloted craft, the immediate release of a viable UAV product would be a much-needed boost to short term profitability. Their unmanned portfolio is slated to include a range of equipment, including fixed-wing and multi-rotor cargo aircraft, and the ancillary gear needed to maintain, refuel, and recharge them in the field. H3 boasts a more complete ecosystem than other hydrogen specialists, including a turnkey fuel cell system in their Aerostak technology. Tackling the difficult demands of bottling, maintaining, protecting, and delivering hydrogen has seen a range of solutions in various states of production readiness, but Aerostak appears to be one of the most refined. The company offers technical drawings, 3d models, and detailed specifications for those UAV manufacturers interested in building architecture compatible with their
fuel cells, as well as the necessary support to resupply them in service.

"H3 Dynamics has the ambition to bring to market the most advanced and reliable hydrogen systems for aviation, but we will not cut corners on passenger safety. While Hydrogen-electric propulsion can accelerate the transition to a greener air transportation, we will progress cautiously from autonomous aerial data and cargo services, to manned cargo and passenger flights." stated Taras Wankewycz.
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