ICAS 2005 Convention Coming To Orlando Nov. 30 - Dec. 3 | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Nov 25, 2005

ICAS 2005 Convention Coming To Orlando Nov. 30 - Dec. 3

... And Aero-News Will Be There

The International Council on Air Shows will be hosting their annual convention for 2005 next week at Orlando's Disney Coronado Springs Resort, a venue that received rave reviews from members the last time the organization held its meeting there in 2001. And Aero-News will have its team on the field, bringing you the latest news from the exhibit hall floor.

According to the ICAS website, more than 40 different educational sessions and nearly 75 different speakers will be present, to ensure that members receive a thorough, well-balanced and comprehensive update on the key issues and critical challenges facing air show exhibitors and participants.

A 60,000 square foot exhibit hall with play host to more than 200 individual exhibiting companies, including air show performers, air show insurance agents, concessions companies, photographers, air/ground support personnel and more -- all available to help plan and conduct an airshow, no matter the size, regardless budget.

For more than three decades, the ICAS Convention has been recognized as the organizational rallying point for the air show community... the one event each year where newcomers and veterans, military and civilian, small shows and large shows, performers and support service providers gather to discuss industry issues and plan for the upcoming air show season.

This year's show, according to ICAS, will focus in particular on military airshows, which have taken a hit recently as US forces and those of foreign allies are spread over several fronts throughout the world. It was this, for example, that led to the cancellation announced last week of the 2006 MacDill AFB show.

Scheduled topics will include:

  • Air Force Air Shows Workshop -- Tuesday, November 29
  • Air Shows 101 -- Wednesday, November 30
  • Selling Successful Sponsorships -- Wednesday, November 30
  • Advanced Air/Ground Operations Training -- December 2
  • Air Shows 102: The Business Basics of Air Shows -- December 1 and 2

By the way, ANN has an interview scheduled for Monday's Aero-Cast feature presentation with ICAS Boss John Cudahy... don't miss it.  

Now, the bad news... the show floor is open only to members of organizations that belong to ICAS -- meaning if you're not already planning on attending the show, you're likely not going. But, that's why ANN will be there, to bring you all the news and goings-on from ICAS 2005.

Yep, it's a rough job, but someone has to do it...

FMI: www.airshows.org


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