GAO Says FAA's A&P Curriculum is Dated | Aero-News Network
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Wed, Mar 19, 2003

GAO Says FAA's A&P Curriculum is Dated

Training's Nearly as Old as FAA's Regs

The Government Accounting Office has issued a new report on the future of (especially) airline mechanics, and has come to the conclusion that a lot of what the FAA requires is out of date; and that a lot of what is not required, would be useful to the mechanics of the future.

It says, "FAA develops the minimum curriculum requirements for A&P mechanics attending aviation maintenance technician schools. However, the curriculum has not changed significantly in over 50 years. Industry officials believe that the curriculum is obsolete geared toward smaller less complex aircraft, and does not provide enough instruction on the materials and technology used on modern aircraft that transports the majority of the flying public."

Merely meeting the labor requirements is also a concern. The present method, raising wages until a sufficient number of mechanics appear, is probably too free-market; although the GAO hasn't recommended that this practice be entirely scrapped.

The problem in the future may be that prospective mechanics will feel the field is simply too frought with uncertainty, to devote the necessary time to learning -- whatever the curriculum. That will raise pay rates!



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