Annual Oshkosh 2015 'Best/Worst Of' Award Selection Invites YOUR Participation! | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Aug 14, 2015

Annual Oshkosh 2015 'Best/Worst Of' Award Selection Invites YOUR Participation!

YOU Can Contribute To The Annual List Compiled By The Staff and Readership of the ANN and Aero-TV!

E-I-C Note: We're going to start naming names and dropping details in just a few days--this is YOUR chance to be heard!!!

For quite a while, we have recognized the highs and lows inherent in the general and sport aviation community -- and yes, we’ve had a bit of fun in the process.

There are but a few places where that is more a propos than at a major event like the Annual Oshkosh Fly-In -- a place where one can take a solid read on the heart and soul of aviation. It's hard to know what really is going to make a difference and what really qualifies as exceptional unless you've been watching this industry carefully for several years... as we have.

OK.... we've had a few days to let it all sink in... to consider the event carefully -- and we are about ready to tell you what we think. BUT... there's something missing. As we were putting the final touches on our own staff/insider picks and recommendations about our 2015 Oshkosh insights and experiences, we wanted to take the time, NOW, to open the consideration process to YOU and YOUR ideas.

For those of you who went to Oshkosh, or who followed ANN's extensive coverage via the Aero-News newspage, or our Aero-Cast audio programs or any of our Aero-TV Offerings... including our LIVE Airborne programming... we want to know what got YOUR attention good AND bad.

  • What got YOUR interest? (and WHY?)
  • What worried YOU? (and WHY?)
  • What did YOU find hopeful or intriguing... (and WHY?)
  • And -- what drove YOU NUTS??? (and WHY?)

You get the idea...

Let's hear from YOU, our readers and viewers, about the all the highs and lows YOU experienced in your examination of what is still the greatest airshow on Earth, warts and all.

In other words...

  • What ROCKED?
  • What SUCKED?
  • Who Are The HEROES?
  • Who Are The VILLAINS?

We intend to publish the first part of this series later this week... so you have a few days to boast, complain, applaud, bitch, inquire, moan, target, celebrate and otherwise make YOUR feelings known.

We hope that you'll fill us in with LOTS of details about what YOU thought... and most important... WHY you thought it. Please submit all your suggestions, complaints and observations no later than August 17th... and we'll do the rest. We REALLY look forward to your observations and thoughts.

FMI: Hey ANN... It's About Time You Asked -- Here Are MY Observations and Thoughts About Oshkosh 2015!!!



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