Surprise! EAA Extends Early Bird Pricing and Express Arrival Deadline | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Jun 17, 2021

Surprise! EAA Extends Early Bird Pricing and Express Arrival Deadline

Serious Savings Still Available Until June 30th

Even though EAA is reporting massive advance ticket sales, they're not being greedy about it. EAA has extended the deadline for early bird discount pricing and Express Arrival ticketing through June 30. With EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021 less than six weeks away, the EAA folks claim that 'now is the time to get your tickets and start planning your return to aviation's family reunion.'

With the Express Arrival program, EAA members now have the option to ship their wristbands, parking and camping passes, and other AirVenture credentials to their home prior to the event.

This new ticketing option is expected to reduce crowding at key entry points, support EAA safety efforts by promoting social distancing, and improve the efficiency of the overall entry process. With Express Arrival, you'll reportedly be able to bypass the admission windows and head straight to the gates. Camping in Camp Scholler? You can get to your campsite without ever leaving your car. With Express Arrival, there's no need to stop at camper registration or any of the admissions windows.

Express Arrival is exclusively available to U.S. members who have valid EAA memberships through at least July 31, 2021. Shipping is FREE of charge.



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