Congress Getting Fed Up With Fed Screeners | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Jun 05, 2003

Congress Getting Fed Up With Fed Screeners

TSA's Managerial Ineptness Starting to be Noticed by Ruling Class

Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY), chairman of the House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee on homeland security, has given the TSA until October 1 to find all the criminals ana ne'er do-wells in its employ.

The TSA, he found out, in its rush to hire a politically-correct workforce as fast as possible, has apparently blown a few background checks. More to the point, he noted, nearly half of the nearly 60,000 screeners already hired haven't had their criminal (and financial) background checks completed.

The TSA's premier, James Loy, pledged to get the work done by the deadline. Meanwhile, about 3,000 of the screeners are being laid off -- presumably, the background checks could be used to help cull the herd, so the good ones don't get canned, while some putative criminals in the agency remain undetected, enjoying taxpayer-funded paychecks and benefits.



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