Merlin Begins Flight Studies in KC-135 | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Jun 01, 2024

Merlin Begins Flight Studies in KC-135

While a Robo-Tanker Pilot is a Long Way Off, Everything Starts Somewhere

A lesser-known project from Merlin began some data collection flights with a KC-135 Stratotanker from MacDill AFB, gathering info about crew workload, tasking, and use cases for their future Merlin Pilot suite.

They went on a pair of flights back to back, assessing tasks that pilots perform in the course of a normal tanker flight. The firm is reportedly assessing just where autonomy could actually make the most effective difference in improving safety, cost, and efficiency.

At first blush, it would sound like the Air Force has joined hands with Merlin in the hopes of one day, eventually, getting an autonomous solution for their centennial tanker system. But there's a good deal of wiggle room in their releases so far, which hints that everyone involved realizes a fully automated KC-135 might not be cost-effective or feasible solution. What they have promised at least, is that Merlin will learn everything it can about the refueling mission to help build out such capacity in future products, which may be one day integrated into USAF programs themselves. That's a long ways off though, requiring a series of tests, product developments, and production schemes before the tanker guys can kick back in the pilot lounge and watch their aircraft take off into the sunrise without them. 

Merlin's agreement with the USAF allows them to learn and watch demonstrations of basic air refueling operations, a task which will help inform the planned "Next Generation Air-Refueling System". Merlin has an acceptable track record already, having experience in improving the King Air, Twin Otter, Caravan, Long EZ, and Cozy Mark IV. Jumping into a 4-engine mammoth like the KC-135 is a very different experience and skillset than hopping into a little experimental, though, so the Merlin team is going in with eyes wide open. Instating their assessment flights, engineers measured pilots and interviewed personnel to decide where their attention is best spent.

“The data collected during these flights is critical to our phased approach to autonomy, starting with reduced crew operations, and to materially evolving our advanced automation systems,” said Matt George, CEO of Merlin. “Being able to observe multiple aerial refueling flights and see exactly how pilots are focused on critical tasks like take-off, landing, and communications in operational military use cases has given us valuable insight into how Merlin’s technology solution can best support the Air Force.”



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