Stratolaunch Roc Completes 20th Test Flight | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Nov 18, 2024

Stratolaunch Roc Completes 20th Test Flight

Manufacturer to Increase Test Frequency Moving Into 2025

On November 14, Stratolaunch successfully completed the 20th test flight of its Roc launch platform. The manufacturer will now be increasing the frequency of tests in preparation for its recoverable Talon-A2 testbed.

The latest test flight included a mid-flight landing, allowing Stratolaunch to switch out its crew before getting back in the air. The second flight crew was able to finalize certification on the aircraft during the flight. Having two certified crews expands Stratolaunch’s ability to conduct more frequent tests.

Stratolaunch also recently completed a series of flight tests meant to grow the Roc’s flight envelope. They confirmed Roc’s ability to support speeds up to Mach 0.63, operate at altitudes up to 35,000 feet, and return to flight with a shortened break period. During this time, Stratolaunch was also able to renew the proficiency of its first crew and begin training the second.

“We know Roc and our team are ready to meet this demand, so it’s now a matter of testing and learning from our first TA-2 flights that we’ll complete later this year,” stated Stratolaunch CEO Dr. Zachary Krevor. “This is an exciting time for our company and our customers as our routine hypersonic flight test service becomes reality."

With a 385 foot wingspan, the Roc is larger than any other aircraft to date. Roc is a high-wing aircraft that can transport more than 500,000 lbs of payload. It will fulfill several air-launch purposes, though its primary objective is to host Stratolaunch’s Talon-A1 vehicle.

The TA-1 is the company’s new autonomous, reusable testbed. It took its first flight on March 9, reaching speeds of almost Mach 5. Roc’s expanded operational altitude will allow the Talon-A vehicle to approach faster speeds and higher altitudes.

Part of the reason for Stratolaunch needing to increase its test cadence is the Talon-A2’s upcoming debut flight. The Talon-A2 is the manufacturer’s first fully recoverable, autonomous hypersonic testbed designed for repeated air launches, hypersonic flight, and conventional landings.



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