Applauds 'Stuck on Tarmac' Fines | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Nov 28, 2009 Applauds 'Stuck on Tarmac' Fines

Huge Victory For Airline Passengers Concerned About Being Stuck On Planes, Organization Says is praising Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood for his decision to levy total civil penalties of $175,000 against Continental Airlines, Express Jet, and Mesaba, a code share partner of Delta Airlines, for their roles in causing the passengers on board Continental Express flight 2816 to remain on the aircraft at Rochester International Airport for an "unreasonable" period of time on Aug. 8, 2009.

"This fine is not only a first, but $175,000.00 is dissuasive enough that U.S. Domestic airlines will really have to think about their behavior before putting passengers in harm's way. No longer can they sit people in hot, sweaty metal tubes without basic life sustaining services indefinitely, without the threat of penalties," said Kate Hanni, founder and executive director of, adding "The DOT appears to be willing to protect us, for that we are grateful." was represented by Kate Hanni on a task force to Develop Contingency Plans for Long on Ground Delays. The group believes having their voice at the table was important to the process of determining what is a "reasonable" amount of time for a ground delay.

"We also look forward to the rulemaking that has been in process at DOT for 2 years that may offer some relief for airline passengers stuck in planes," Hanni said.



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