Diamond Aircraft, MTSU Announce Deal | Aero-News Network
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Mon, May 19, 2003

Diamond Aircraft, MTSU Announce Deal

Diamond and Diamond Stars To Be Flown In TN Training Ops

Middle Tennessee State University has purchased a fleet of nine Diamond DA20-C1 aircraft and eleven DA40-180 Diamond Stars for use in their aviation program.

MTSU has one of the few full-service aviation programs in the country, offering concentrations in administration, maintenance management, professional pilot, technology and flight dispatch scheduling.

There are currently 638 students majoring in aerospace at MTSU.

Long Time Coming

"It's been years to get to this point," said Paul Craig, chairman, aerospace, "the planes we have been using these many years don't represent today's technology.  An interesting partnership has been forged between MTSU and Diamond."

Diamond aircraft have also been selected by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Empire Aviation, the United States Air Force Academy, the United States Naval Academy, and Utah Valley State College for flight training operations.

"The combination of two-seat and four-seat training aircraft offers extraordinary value and safety without compromise.  We have created a new standard for aircraft that meet all flight training requirements at low acquisition and operating cost," said John Gauch, Diamond Aircraft's vice president of sales and marketing.

FMI: www.mtsu.edu, www.diamondair.com


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