AOPA, EAA Try To Overturn Michigan Pilot Background Check Law | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Jul 20, 2003

AOPA, EAA Try To Overturn Michigan Pilot Background Check Law

Organizations Hope Courts Will Balance Lawmakers' Hysteria

Along with other aviation advocates, the EAA is fighting a Michigan law that calls for background checks on all pilots. In an extreme overreaction to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Michigan created the law, which in EAA's opinion supercedes federal law and is therefore unconstitutional. EAA Legal Council Chairman Harry Riggs filed an amicus (Friend of the Court) brief on behalf of EAA, which was approved in federal court to give EAA legal standing in the case brought by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. The State of Michigan had opposed EAA's involvement in the case but on July 16, the court upheld EAA's right to file in support of AOPA. The next hearing in the case is scheduled for July 24.

Last week, the Michigan state senate unanimously approved legislation repealing the pilot check provision and bringing the aviation security law more in line with the federal law. The bill has been forwarded to Governor Jennifer Granholm where it awaits her signature.

Pressure from the suit and the response of EAA and AOPA members and other pilots in Michigan helped convince the state legislature to pass a new measure to remove the background check requirement. 



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