T'is The Season... EAA Chapter Upgrades Hangar | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Nov 25, 2021

T'is The Season... EAA Chapter Upgrades Hangar

Early Christmas Present From Leesburg Airport Management

Chapter 534 of the Leesburg, Florida of the Experimental Aircraft Association saw an early Christmas present, this year, when LakeSide Electrical Services appeared before the Mid Florida Chapter Hangars and began unloading equipment. 

The lighting above had probably served faithfully at some point, long ago, but for most of member's memory had never been functional. The old fluorescent fixtures came down in favor of Envoy Lighting LEDs sporting a fine 21,000 lumens of bright white light. LakeSide installed 6 of them on the rafters above, ending the tradition of mechanics providing their own shop lighting for most hangar activities for good. The lights drop down from the ceiling just enough to cover the floor in energy efficient, white light, easy on the eyes for late-night study sessions or early morning oil changes before the first flight out. 

For years, chapter members had been hampered by the lack of sufficient light to build, repair, and educate students on the excitement of aviation. Happy to enjoy the upgrades, the EAA chapter said they were "grateful that Tracey Dean was able to find a little extra money in the airport budget to upgrade this hangar." Chapter president Steve Tilford added to the gifts under the tree this year with a new air compressor donated by a friend of the group. While the techs were in place completing the lighting setup, they were kind enough to install the wiring for the new compressor up to code. 

The changes will make the hangar a much better place to induct kids to the wonders of aviation, whether pilots, mechanics, or builders. 

FMI: www.eaachapter534.org, www.eaa.org


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