Can't Keep a Good Man Down: Jack Olcott | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jul 15, 2003

Can't Keep a Good Man Down: Jack Olcott

New Business Announcement

General Aero Company, Inc., has opened its new offices at Morristown Municipal Airport, Morristown (NJ) Led by its president, John W. (Jack) Olcott, the firm serves safety, security and management needs of companies engaged in business aviation. General Aero also provides analysis and planning services for companies considering charter, fractional or full ownership of business aircraft.

Most-recently President of the National Business Aviation Association, Inc., where he served the business aviation community with distinction for 11 years, and previously Vice President/Group Publisher for McGraw-Hill’s business aviation publications, including Business & Commercial Aviation, Mr. Olcott is known globally as a knowledgeable business aviation advocate and accomplished businessman. As President of General Aero Company, an organization that focuses on process management, he will network with others in the business aviation community to identify the most appropriate resources needed for problem solution.

Mr. Olcott is participating in the International Air & Space Symposium and Exposition, The Next 100 Years, being held this week in Dayton (OH), to commemorate the centennial anniversary of man’s first powered flight. His talk is entitled "Business Aviation: A Tradition of Service to American Industry."

In addition to being the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including two for meritorious service from the Flight Safety Foundation, Jack Olcott has served the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as an advisor for many years. Presently he is a member of the FAA’s Part 125/135 Rulemaking Advisory Committee and NASA’s Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) Steering Committee. A 2001 Inductee in the New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame, Olcott was recently appointed to the Morris County Airport Advisory Committee.



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