Uzbek Commission Blames Crew In Crash | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Fri, Jan 30, 2004

Uzbek Commission Blames Crew In Crash

Pilots "Failed To Follow Proper Landing Procedures"   

On Tuesday, the government commission in Uzbekistan, which is investigating the airliner accident in that country last month, blames the crash on pilot error.

The report contends the crew aboard the Uzbekistan Airways Yak-40 jet failed to follow proper landing procedures, even though heavy fog limited visibility at Tashkent's international airport at the time.

The three-engine jet, bound from the town of Termez on the Afghan border, overshot the runway and crashed near the airport, killing all 37 people on board, including the head of the U.N. mission.

The crew didn't actually see the runway at the minimum height required but continued landing anyway, "overestimating its professional skills," the commission said. Apparently realizing their mistake, the pilots tried to climb again. The plane then crashed into a concrete wall surrounding the airport.

The commission said the plane was in good technical condition and the crew had been properly trained. Prosecutors have opened a criminal probe, the commission said.

Uzbekistan Airways has suspended all flights of Yak-40s since the crash.



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