NASA Awards U.S Global Change Research Program Support Services Contract | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Aug 09, 2015

NASA Awards U.S Global Change Research Program Support Services Contract

ICF Of Fairfax, VA Lands $30 Million Deal

NASA has awarded a contract for technical and programmatic support services for the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) National Coordination Office in Washington to ICF Incorporated, LLC of Fairfax, Virginia.

Established in 1989 by presidential initiative and mandated by Congress in 1990, USGCRP is a confederation of the research arms of 13 federal agencies, including NASA, which carry out research and develop and maintain capabilities that support the nation’s response to global change.

The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract includes a one-year base period along with four one-year option periods. The current potential value of the contract is approximately $30 million. The contract phase-in period begins Sept. 1 and has a performance period of five years beginning Oct. 1.

The contractor will provide technical, analytic and programmatic support services to USGCRP National Coordination Office. Major activities include core contract support for program coordination, facilitation and operational support; technical and operational expertise to support the end-to-end production of the National Climate Assessment and other domestic and international climate change assessments; technical and operational support for non-assessment strategic documents and technical reports; coordination and support of USGCRP planning and budget activities; communication and stakeholder outreach activities in support of USGCRP objectives; and technical support and development of USGCRP’s web presence, public online information resources, and office network and applications.

The work will be performed in office space provided by NASA in Washington.



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