ANN's Oshkosh Caption Contest Winner | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Aug 19, 2003

ANN's Oshkosh Caption Contest Winner

We promised this for the week of Oshkosh, but somehow we got sooo busy. Well, now, we've found the right low-level munchkin at the office [me --ed.] to bail out the important people, and bring you the results of what we used to call, "Name That Frame."

It's a "Caption Contest" now, though -- so would the winner kindly send us his address, so we can properly reward him? Thanks!

We had a lot of really funny captions, as we expected we would. Here's a sampling:

A couple of you were thinking about the recent demise of Meigs:

John: "Would someone please move Chicago!"

George: "Don't worry Mayor Daley, I'll talk you down."

Paul: "Ya know, I had a feeling that there would be too much security at Oshkosh."

Richard watched the gate at the show: "400,000 and counting!"

[No; we didn't notice until later that we named John, George, Paul and Richard first. This isn't really a Beatles thing, you know -- it's a Beagle thing. It just happened that way --ed.]

Scott's thinking ahead: "Did someone say, 'Privatized ATC?'"

Jon sent three beauties:

  • "Fido about to create his own graphical depiction of a presidential TFR."
  • "At least they’ve stopped making me wear the hat and goggles."
  • "This time I fly the plane and YOU cram yourself in the #@?&! Pet Taxi!"
The dogs of air...

Alan probably has a dog: "ahhh Roger that, but it LOOKS like newspaper!"

So does David: "Roger, left downwind squirt, and I'll keep it in tight!"

Another David has a well-trained dog at home: "Roger.  I understand I am cleared to go...on the paper."

...But Wolfee's dog has a way to go: "beep...Ah, Capcam.....this isn't news paper. beep"

John knows his pup: "WOODSTOCK, OSHKOSH TOWER.  #2 behind the Snoopy Doghouse.  Cleared to

Some of us spend too much time indoors...

David's been watching too many television commercials: "Can you hear me now? Good!"

Darwin was so serious: "Dog Biscuits?! I've no time for that! I'm vectoring Snoopy in on the Baron's position! Sheash!"

Daniel thinks this dog is a pretty good stick: "Oshkosh Tower, Beagle One, Ready to go!"

'anonymous 1' sent, "Boy, these new cockpits really do have more room to spread out, don't they?"

'anonymous 2' is probably an attorney: "This is discrimination: these dont fit MY ears!"

Hillis, the engine guy, certainly needs an attorney: "I don't care what that English guy said, I own all the BEAGLE Type Certificates!"

Jeff's a diplomat: "Bring me some dinner, or I'll eat this microphone."

Ira's flown with difficult PAX: "Next I suppose you'll want me use a barf bag."

Ronnie: "Howdy folks. I think I'm lost!"

David appreciates training: "This certainly takes paper training to a new level!"

Jim's got a motivated pet, we'll bet: "Couldn't I just stay home and sleep?"

Getting close to home:

Steve: "If that darn ant Klyde Morris can fly, so can a beagle!"

'anonymous 3' knows what goes on around here: "Canine to the Zoomer...We have a problem..."

...and our winner, Ed Lachendro, of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin:
"After I finish plotting this flight ...only 999,999 Young Beagles to go!"


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