DPE Symposium Open for Registration | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Sep 04, 2022

DPE Symposium Open for Registration

Designated Pilot Examiners invited to 2nd Annual Get-Together

DPE's have been gaining some due appreciation lately, and the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) intends to ride the wave into this October's Designated Pilot Examiners Symposium in Phoenix, Arizona. 

Pilot examiners, like most any qualified pilot, have been in ever-increasing demand in an industry scrambling to develop the next generation of aviators ahead of the long-prophesied pilot shortage. Their responsibility is great, being the last link in a chain and the final chance to gauge proficiency before a young pilot enters the system. The symposium, held for the 2nd time this year, will give DPEs an opportunity to network, coalesce, and meet with government officials to improve the practice.

FSANA will have FAA officials in attendance, with information exchanges and workshops geared at improving the state of airman qualification, practical testing, and evaluation.

The event is intended for current DPEs as well as flight school operators, chief flight instructors, or similarly-placed stakeholders within the student-to-professional pilot pipeline. 

Registration includes entry to professional sessions and workshops, Tuesday and Wednesday sessions, the opening reception, dinner, one luncheon and drink breaks. The event will be held inside the hallowed grounds of aviation education in the ever-sunny Phoenix, Arizona from October 11th to 12th, 2022. 

FMI: www.fsana.com


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