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October 01, 2023

United Airlines Launches Military Pilot Program

Employment Assurance Initiative Benefits U.S. Military Aviators

Chicago-based United Airlines has launched the United Military Pilot Program, an initiative affording full-time, active-duty U.S. military pilots access to conditional job offers as United SIC’s (First Officers). The program is unique insofar as it provides participants employment assurance while they complete their military service and work toward meeting all United hiring requirements.

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Oregon Civil Air Patrol Wing Aids Army Corps of Engineers

Of Skyhawks and Full-Bird Colonels

Newly-installed commanders of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Portland District conducted an aerial survey of the dams and reservoirs of Oregon’s Willamette Valley during a 15 September 2023 flight operated by the Civil Air Patrol’s (CAP) Oregon Wing. CAP Colonel Brian Bishop served as mission pilot for the flight with Colonel Dale Caswell, Jr., Army Corps district commander; and his deputy commander, Lieutenant Colonel Katie Werback; along with the district’s operations project manager, Erick Petersen.

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DART Aerospace Granted TCCA STC for Bell 505 External Cargo Basket

Letting It All Hang Out

DART Aerospace has been granted a new Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) STC certification for its external cargo Heli-Utility-Basket specifically tailored for Bell’s popular 505 Jet Ranger X (JRX) helicopter model. FAA evaluation of the system remains ongoing. Prosaically dubbed the Bell 505 Heli-Utility-Basket, the unit is the latest in DART’s proven line of rescue and utility baskets.

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Nigeria Acquires MD 530F Cayuse Warrior Plus Scout/Attack Helicopters

12 Aircraft Deal to Operationalize Nigerian Army Aviation Unit

MD Helicopters (MDH) has entered into a contract under which the Mesa, Arizona-based rotorcraft-maker will provide 12 MD 530F Cayuse Warrior Plus Scout/Attack helicopters to the federal government of the West African nation of Nigeria. The Aviation division of the Nigerian Army will utilize subject helicopters to effectively address the security challenges peculiar Nigeria’s standing as the wealthiest and most populous of Africa’s 54 constituent countries.

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EHang Delivers Five EH216-S Multi-Copters to Boling Holding Group

Chinese Low-Altitude Economy Taking Shape EHang Holdings Limited (EHang), a Chinese developer and manufacturer of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (AAV), has delivered five units of its EH216-S two-seat eVTOL multi-copter to new customer Shenzhen Boling Holding Group Co., Ltd. (Boling). The latter concern intends to acquire a total of one-hundred specimens of subject aircraft. Boling intends to ply its planned fleet of EH216-S aircraft to an aerial tourism and sightseeing enterprise undertaken in partnership with Shenzhen’s Bao’an District government.

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ATI Pilots Hold Informational Picket

Pilot Attrition Hobbles Largest Amazon Carrier

Pilots in the employ of Wilmington, Ohio-based Air Transport International (ATI), as represented by the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), have stood in solidarity, holding an informational picket for purpose of demonstrating their individual and collective resolve to negotiate an equitable labor contract with the air-carrier’s management. Such an agreement would permit ATI—Amazon’s largest contracted air-carrier—to dramatically improve pilot recruitment and retention.

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NATA-Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Partnership Formed

Alliance Seeks to Advance AAM/UAM Implementation

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO) have announced a partnership providing the structure for the further development of the emergent Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)/Urban Air Mobility (UAM) sector. NATA and CNO signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) aimed at maturing AAM/UAM education and adoption with the exchange of expertise and information through committee engagement and collaboration on business, outreach, and event opportunities. 

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NTSB Prelim: Powrachute LLC Airwolf

The Pilot Then Attempted To Enter The Right Side Of The Aircraft And Inadvertently Sat On The Throttle Control

On September 20, 2023, about 0900 mountain daylight time, a Powrachute LLC Airwolf 912ULS powered parachute, N820PP, sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident near Erie, Colorado. The pilot sustained fatal injuries. The aircraft was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The aircraft was positioned at the Parkland Airport (7CO0), Erie, Colorado, for the local area flight. According to witnesses, the pilot fueled the aircraft and started the engine.

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Classic Aero-TV: Coming Home To Roost -- The 'Last Time' For The DC-3 Community

From 2010 (YouTube Version): An Extraordinary Gathering That May Truly Be The Last Of Its Kind

What a concept... An historic event, billed as “The Last Time”, was organized to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the DC-3 type aircraft. Designed as an airliner in 1935, the DC-3 was pressed into military service in WWII as the C-47 and served in every theater of the war. Formerly; the largest gathering of them, in any one place, was at the English air fields in preparation for the D-day invasion of Normandy. Some of these same crew members once again flew in these magnificent birds gathering at Whiteside Airport

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.01.23)

Aero Linx: Youth Aviation Adventure Program (YAA)

In 1997, Steve Wathen and Dan Kiser founded the Youth Aviation Adventure Program (YAA) in Columbus, Ohio as a way to help Steve’s son and other scouts from their troop earn their Boy Scout Aviation Merit Badges. The two men enjoyed sharing their love of aviation with the boys so much they began recruiting scouts from other nearby troops and offering their Aviation Merit Badge program twice a year. As the program became more popular, Dan and Steve enlisted other pilots and aviation enthusiasts as volunteers to expand and upgrade the content of the program, and it has since expanded to include Girl Scouts, youth from other organizations, and

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.01.23): Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR)

Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) A preplanned instrument flight rule (IFR) air traffic control arrival procedure published for pilot use in graphic and/or textual form. STARs provide transition from the en route structure to an outer fix or an instrument approach fix/arrival waypoint in the terminal area.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.01.23)

“Civil Air Patrol has a unique mission and is an incredibly supportive partner, enabling us to easily get out and see a different view of our area of responsibility. We’re thankful for the opportunity we had on Sept. 15th and look forward to continuing partnering in the future.” Source: District operations project manager, Erick Petersen, commenting on the aerial survey of the dams and reservoirs of Oregon’s Willamette Valley, conducted during a 15 September 2023 flight operated by the Civil Air Patrol’s (CAP) Oregon Wing.

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