Sun, Sep 13, 2015
Aero-News: Quote of the Day
ANN's Quote of the Day usually derives from current news, though we reserve the right to pick quotes out of history that have a bearing on the day's events and issues.
Sometimes, you'll find them timely and in keeping with the content of the day's news... and sometimes, they'll just be thought-provoking.
Reader suggestions and comments are welcome... and if particularly intriguing, timely, or poignant, may themselves become future Quotes of the Day.
Let us hear from you, folks!
Aero-News Quote of the Day
"Pratt & Whitney is proud to be part of the FAA's initiative to significantly reduce emissions and noise in aviation. The PurePower Geared Turbofan engine, which is meeting or exceeding specifications for fuel burn, noise and emissions, is a prime example of how our suite of technologies continues to shape the aviation industry and provide customer value. Participating in this CLEEN program will enable us to further advance the engine's technologies and deliver additional significant fuel savings and environmental benefits."
Source: Alan Epstein, vice president, Technology and Environment, Pratt & Whitney, in comments made after the the FAA has selected Pratt & Whitney to participate in a program to develop and mature advanced core-engine technologies, primarily for engine compressor and turbine modules, to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, as part of the second phase of the FAA's Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions and Noise (CLEEN II) initiative.
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