YOUR Input Required: Oshkosh 2024-The Highs, The Lows, The Heroes and The Bozos… | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Aug 09, 2024

YOUR Input Required: Oshkosh 2024-The Highs, The Lows, The Heroes and The Bozos…

Help Us Assemble A Proper Look-Back At The Aero-Equivalent Of Burning Man, Woodstock And An Old Fashioned Tent Revival—All Rolled Into One... OSHKOSH!

Compiled By Jim Campbell, and The Staff, Stringers, and Friends of the Aero-News Network

When Oshkosh is all of a few days in the rear-view mirror, we come to a time when we TRY to evaluate what happened this year… in both positive and negative terms. And YOU can help... a lot.

We’ve tried a few variants on this report in the past… and some of them have worked better than others, but we’re going to try to present a group of shorter segments, as we move through a few general categories (Heroes, Regrets, Coolest Players, Coolest Moments, Bozos, Planes, Gadgets, Fan Favorites, etc…) so that we can try to make a proper report of the many high and low-points of AirVenture 2024…

If any of you have anything to offer or comment upon, please do so RIGHT AWAY, we’ll be revisiting this topic via a half dozen or more categories over the next month and we’d love to have YOUR viewpoints added to the mix.

SO... PLEASE drop us a note or two, ASAP, and add your thoughts to the list of the greatest and not-so-greatest moments, people, planes and products that made up AirVenture Oshkosh 2024!

FMI: Hey ANN... Here Are MY Thoughts on The Best and Worst Moments of AirVenture Oshkosh 2024!


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