AD: Raytheon (Correction) | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jan 28, 2003

AD: Raytheon (Correction)

AD NUMBER:  2003-01-01
MANUFACTURER: Raytheon (Correction )
SUBJECT:  Airworthiness Directive 2003-01-01
SUMMARY:  This amendment supersedes Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2000-26-16, which applies to certainRaytheon Aircraft Company (Raytheon) Beech Models A36, B36TC, and 58 airplanes. AD 2000-26-16 requires you to inspect for missing rivets on the right hand side of the fuselage and, ifnecessary, install rivets. AD 2000-26-16 resulted from Raytheon identifying several instances ofmissing rivets on these airplanes. AD 2000-26-16 incorporated an incorrect listing of serialnumbers for the affected model airplanes and omitted certain airplane models from theapplicability section of AD 2000-26-16. This AD retains the actions required in AD 2000-26-16and corrects the applicability section. The actions specified by this AD are intended to detect andcorrect missing rivets in the right hand fuselage panel assembly in the area above the right wingand below the cabin door threshold. These rivets must be present for the fuselage to carry theultimate load and prevent critical structural failure with loss of airplane control.



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