Signs Of The Times? Diamond A/C Scales Back Tradeshow Programs | Aero-News Network
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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Sun, Jul 10, 2011

Signs Of The Times? Diamond A/C Scales Back Tradeshow Programs

Scales Back Expensive Tradeshows, Updates and Adds Other Mktg Efforts

It's a sign of the times... as one of the few GA "survivor" companies has looked at its balance sheet and decided to scale back on some expensive mktg programs while pushing forward with others. Diamond Aircraft, who finally broke through the issues keeping its single D-Jet from getting finished has informed ANN that they've done some serious soul-searching as to how to proceed in an economy that can barely get itself out of ground effect.

A note from Diamond Boss, Peter Maurer told ANN about "Diamond's plans for improved communication and our strategy for 2011 exhibits and special events in Canada and the USA."

Maurer notes that, "In consideration of the continued weakness of the economy and slow industry wide retail sales, we have made the decision to forego the very significant expense of our traditional exhibits at Oshkosh, NBAA and AOPA Summit in 2011. While this was a difficult decision, we feel it is the right business decision, that allows us to focus our resources on the tasks at hand (e.g. the D-JET program and support of the existing piston fleet), to directly pursue strategically targeted markets and to improve our communication with you.

To strengthen Diamond's overall position, we also continue our diversification into emerging markets, commercial flight training operations, and special mission aircraft applications. As such we will continue to exhibit at smaller industry specific events, including for the first time a presence at the ALEA (Airborne Law Enforcement Association), convention in New Orleans to introduce our special mission Austro engine powered DA42 MPP (Multi Purpose Platform) to the US security market.

Peter Maurer

The retail market is of course very important to us and we intend to resume our full show presence when the economic climate improves. In the interim, we will be strengthening our worldwide distribution and service network and our distributors will continue active participation in local and regional events."

In the very near term, we will be targeting improved direct customer communication and relations as follows:

  • THE D-JET FLYER  --a comprehensive periodical that describes program progress, offers technical highlights, features customer profiles and much more, will be relaunched.
  • Diamond e-Newsletter -- our direct mail newsletter about the world of Diamond will be released with increased frequency
  • Monthly Customer Support specials will be introduced.
  • DiamondFest 2011 -- Once again we will be sending out invitations to attend a celebration of all things Diamond, at the factory in London, Ontario. (Please mark your calendars for the September 17th weekend). This popular event features company tours, product showcases, program updates, technical information seminars, Customer Support Q&A sessions and demonstrations, flight demonstrations in all current Diamond models (except the DA40 NG and DJET - for now), D-JET fly-by demonstrations, and optional flying tours of area attractions, including Toronto Island Airport, Niagara Region and the fall colors of Muskoka. Aircraft maintenance in our factory service center and flight training refreshers (spins anyone?) through Diamond Flight Center London may be prearranged. With a balance of aviation and other interests, DiamondFest is not just for hardcore aviation enthusiasts, but a great family event as well.


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