Mon, Aug 25, 2003
Listed By US News As Nation's Best Aerospace Engineering
U.S. News & World
Report's 2004 "Best Colleges" guide has again named
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University number one in the
Aerospace/Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineering category for
schools without doctorate programs. This is the fourth year in a
row that the university's Daytona Beach campus has claimed that
Embry-Riddle's Prescott (AZ) campus was third in the same
category. The Air Force Academy was listed as number two, and St.
Louis University and the Naval Academy tied for fourth place.
In the "Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs" category of all
colleges and universities whose terminal degree is a bachelor's or
master's, Embry-Riddle's Daytona Beach campus ranked ninth, up one
spot from last year. Embry-Riddle's Prescott campus ranked 22.
"To be honored for academic excellence by U.S. News is extremely
rewarding for our faculty, students and staff who strive every day
to create and maintain these exceptional programs," said
Embry-Riddle President George Ebbs. "We are proud to again be
acknowledged as one of the nation's best universities."
In the regional
rankings, Embry-Riddle's Daytona Beach campus was listed as 23rd in
the first tier of universities in the South. Last year's position
was 25. The regional ratings are based on reputation, graduation
and retention rates, faculty resources, student selectivity,
financial resources, and alumni giving rate. Rankings in the "Best
Undergraduate Engineering" program are based on judgments of deans
and senior faculty who rated each program with which they were
familiar on a scale of one (marginal) to five (distinguished).
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