FAA Blamed For Loss Of Exciting Sport Aviation Event
The US Vintage Aerobatic Championships, sponsored by the Antique Airplane Association (AAA) and the Air Power Museum (APM) at Antique Airfield (IA27) near Blakesburg, IA should have been a REALLY good time, as it was planned for this June 25th & 26th, 2021.
But... thanks to issues with the FAA, it is not to be.
AAA Boss, Brent Taylor, has posted the following....
"After a long day yesterday on the phone, emailing, messaging and talking with many people involved in helping us with our plan to host the US Vintage Aerobatic Championship, I have decided to cancel the event. To give you a reason as to why, it is the problem of obtaining the necessary waiver for an aerobatic box from the FAA. For a bit of background, said waiver application (FAA Form 7711-2) was sent to the DSM FSDO in March, a week or so ahead of the 90 day requirement per FAA Order 8900.1. It was confirmed as being received.
The next communication I received was a phone call last week in which I was informed since we had advertised the event on social media (our website and Antique Airfield Facebook page), that was interpreted as inviting the general public to the event, and I would be required change the application to one for an airshow waiver I later that day spoke with the DSM FSDO Manager, and reached what I thought was an agreement to continue with the contest waiver application.
Then on Tuesday of this week I received an email from yet a third FAA Inspector now handling the application. In subsequent emails with him yesterday I was asked to once again provide pretty much the exact same information as already provided, plus more.
All this leads me to believe the DSM FSDO will not approve a waiver for an aerobatic competition, but will insist on an airshow waiver, requiring among other things that we hire an approved Air Boss.
As we are 29 days from the planned start of the contest, I have no confidence that even if I comply with an airshow waiver application it will be approved, plus the fact that we have to bind and pay for insurance coverage very soon, and likely an Air Boss as well, I think it prudent I cancel the event. To go along with that is the need to notify our vendors (fuel, food etc.), our emergency and security service providers, plus our volunteers so they do not have an outlay of funds etc., that they would take a loss on if we wait any longer before making this decision, and that goes for those planning to attend and compete as well. I do sincerely apologize to all that encouraged, helped with, and had planned to attend/compete for having to cancel the event."