Sun, Sep 25, 2022
Scouring the information super airways can sometimes be a tough, if educational, task for the Aero-News staff... but it also allows us to check out some truly neat and exciting sites, so it's not that bad a gig. On any given day, we may check dozens (and often hundreds) of different sources for story ideas, and facts confirmation. And, as is the nature of our business, much of this is done on the Internet.
The ANN gang decided we probably shouldn't keep some of the neat sites, info resources, and organizations we've discovered to ourselves... so we decided to bring you Aero-Linx. These are the sites that WE check out -- when we need added perspective, a new spin on a day's topic... or just want to escape into cyber-aero-space for awhile.
Look for some of our favorite sites, coming each day to ANN via Aero-Linx. Suggestions for future Aero-Linx segments are always welcome, as well.
Aero Linx: LiveATC is primarily a streaming audio network consisting of local receivers tuned to aircraft communications around the world. It is also a large community designed to unite pilots, student pilots, flight instructors, air traffic communication enthusiasts, FBO operators, and real-world (and virtual) air traffic controllers. Its target audience is anyone who can learn from or just enjoys listening to or discussing aviation communication topics. The community is supported by volunteers who live within radio range of airports and who use spare radio and computer equipment to relay airband transmissions into the audio network.
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