AvFuel Begins Commercialization of GAMI G100UL | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Sep 05, 2022

AvFuel Begins Commercialization of GAMI G100UL

AvFuel Begins Commercialization of GAMI G100UL

Avfuel Corp is on the go with G100UL, spinning up their logistics and distribution chain to help distribute the unleaded avgas developed by General Aviation Modifications, Inc., (GAMI).

GAMI co-founders George Braly and Tim Roehl have seen years of effort pay off with the FAA's recent approval of an STC for all spark-ignition GA engines to use their unleaded, 100-octane aviation gasoline in place of traditional, leaded 100LL.

Avfuel will begin the process of distributing the new formulation, through its subsidiary, the Avfuel Technology Initiatives Corporation (ATIC). They will take the fuel from test batches in the lab to airport fuel mules around the country, leveraging their extensive network in order to get the G100UL as far and wide as they can. 

The STC fulfills a longstanding goal of the industry, a change desperately needed to defuse anti-aviation efforts that hinge upon leaded fuel usage to ban light aircraft operations.

Whether health or environmental concerns, the continued use of antiquated leaded fuel has been an achilles heel for those unlucky airports surrounded by plenty of prime real estate and grumpy neighbors.

“Today is a momentous occasion for the aviation industry,” said Craig Sincock, Avfuel Corporation president and CEO.

“Aviators have long been in search of an FAA-approved, viable, unleaded avgas solution, and GAMI receiving a functional fleet-wide approval for its G100UL is cause for celebration. Avfuel is proud to collaborate with GAMI on the logistics of the fuel’s distribution. Further, we extend a hearty thank you to GAMI for its decades of dedication to the leaded fuel problem, and the FAA for its thorough, steadfast vetting of G100UL.”

FMI: www.avfuel.com


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