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Tue, Jul 29, 2003

Newest Dry Vacuum Pump Announced

Tempest Tornado 3000: 30 Years in the Making

Aero Accessories, which makes the Tempest 3000, says it's "a revolutionary design of dry air pumps." In fact, it's, "the most significant development in dry air pumps since Aero Accessories introduced the WIP (wear indicator port) two years ago." They add, "It is the first major redesign of a non-elliptical dry air pump in 30 years."

Aero Accessories went at the project with two design goals:

  1. Reduce the potential for premature failure, and
  2. Make it easier to inspect and maintain.

For instance, they've incorporated a patented design feature that lets oil from a leaky garlock seal to drain out, rather than pollute the pump's innerds. Not only does it keep oil out of the pump, it allows the mechanic to spot the problem of the leaky seal, sooner.

Working with, or even mounting some vacuum pumps can be a pain in the fingers. The Tornado 3000 has chamfered edges on the cover plate, so it's easier to reach the nuts. As a benefit of its new monolithic construction, there are no centering bands -- so there's a reduced chance for rotor/stator "bumping." Oh -- and the very design eliminates a few more of those possibly-troublesome seals.

Even the through bolts have been given attention. The fact that the assembly is held together this way, itself is a big plus in reliability, reducing parts count; and the design is less-susceptible to changes in temperature, something that's always a problem under the cowl. To make working around the pump easier, the through-bolt heads are recessed.

The pumps are manufactured in Gibsonville (NC), and they're sold, along with Aero Accessories' famous fuel pumps, stand-by pumps, filters, and valves, through offices in Greenville (SC) and Atlanta (GA).



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