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June 17, 2005

Another Helicopter In The East River

Crash Eerily Close To Tuesday's; No Word On Casualties Yet

ANN REAL TIME NEWS: 2000 EDT -- A helicopter crashed into the East River Friday, the second time in four days such an accident occurred -- very close to the same place.

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2000th CIRRUS Sees Daylight!

There were a plethora of smiling faces to be seen as CIRRUS Design Corporation rolled out its 2,000th airplane from the company hangar and onto the airport ramp...

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Griffin On Shuttle Schedule: No Can Do, Babe

Says 28 Flights Before 2010 Is Unrealistic

No way. That's the answer you'll get from NASA's new chief when asked whether the space shuttles really can fly 28 missions in five years. Nope. Can't do it.

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Bolen Backs Hawley

Strongly Recommends Confirmation Of TSA Nominee

NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen Thursday sent a letter to Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK), chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, strongly recommending the confirmation of Edmund S. “Kip” Hawley to the position of assistant secretary of homeland security. Hawley's nomination is expected to be considered by the committee this afternoon.

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Bolen's Letter To Ted Stevens

Hire The Man

Dear Chairman Stevens: On behalf of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), I would like to express our strong support for the confirmation of Edmund S. “Kip” Hawley to the position of Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security at the Transportation Security Administration.

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Eleven Missing In Peruvian Military Helo Mishap

Four Rescued

Eleven people are still missing after a military helicopter crashed in the country's northern jungle, authorities said.

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Loaded And Ready For Flight

Cargo Loaded Onto Shuttle Discovery

The cargo for the Space Shuttle Discovery's historic Return to Flight mission (STS-114) arrived yesterday at Launch Pad 39-B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, FL. Discovery's payload includes the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Raffaello, the Lightweight Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure Carrier (LMC), and the External Stowage Platform-2 (ESP-2).

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Waste-Watchers: Space Plane Is Ludicrous

Citizens Against Waste Says There Are More Important Matters At Hand

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) Thursday harshly criticized plans to move forward with missions to the moon and Mars with an impending record deficit, chronic management problems at NASA, and unresolved questions about the missions' cost and feasibility. NASA's new administrator Michael Griffin has said that the space agency will have the money to implement President Bush's "Vision for Space Exploration," aimed at returning humans to the moon by 2020 and eventually sending them to Mars.

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Progress Away!

Robot Ship Heads For ISS On Resupply Mission

Count on these things: Death, taxes and Russian space shots. They are inevitable and, generally, run as dependably as Rolex watches. A Russian Progress module lifted off from Central Asia late Thursday, carrying coveted supplies to the two-man crew aboard the International Space Station.

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Bankruptcy Court Approves US Air's Golden Parachutes

Unions Still Bitter After Workers' Pay Cut, Pensions Dropped

A federal bankruptcy judge says US Airways can fill the pockets of its executives to keep them from leaving ahead of the company's merger with America West.

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ANA DHC-8 Makes Emergency Landing In Japan

Cockpit, Cabin Fill With Smoke

An All-Nippon Airways DeHavilland DHC-8-Q400 made an emergency landing in Osaka Friday, after the cockpit and cabin filled with black smoke. No one was hurt, but it was yet another incident to scare Japanese passengers, who've watched with dismay other instances of mechanical or operational failures at both ANA and JAL.

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Gone West: Boeing's Malcom Stamper

The Man Who Built The 747

It was certainly something new in 1966 when Malcom Stamper was approached by then-Boeing CEO Bill Allen. "How would you like to build an airplane — in fact, the biggest airplane in the world?" Allen asked, according to "Legend and Legacy," a history of Boeing written by Robert Serling.

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14-Year Old Boy Steals Plane, Lands Twice

But That Second Landing Was A Real Dinger

A 14-year old boy found a key inside an unlocked Cessna 152 parked at an airport near Tuscaloosa, AL, Wednesday night, taking the aircraft for a late-night joyride that almost cost him his life, authorities said.

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Klyde Morris 06.17.05

Klyde's Gonna Be Picking On The A380 For YEARS...

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Boeing-Onex Deal Goes Through

1,100 Unemployed As A Result; Union Battles Continue

It's a done deal -- but certainly not everyone is happy about it. While some 7,000 commercial aviation manufacturing workers in Kansas and Oklahoma made the transition Thursday from Boeing to Onex as the two companies completed the sale of three plants, another 1,100 -- mostly union machinists -- have been told to take a hike.

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Paris Air Show 2005: Just When You Thought Boeing Would Bounce Back...

...Airbus Gets 138 New Aircraft Orders

In the horse race for the lead in world commercial aircraft sales, Airbus has retained the front-runner position, announcing a deal for 100 aircraft at the Paris Air Show Thursday.

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Government Lawyers Beckon To Petroleum Helicopters

Petroleum Helicopters Receives Subpoena from Department of Justice Antitrust Division

Petroleum Helicopters says it's been subpoenaed today by the Department of Justice relating to a grand jury investigation of potential antitrust violations among providers of helicopter transportation services in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Historic P-47 Recovered In Austria

Lake-Bound Plane In Decent Shape - To Be Restored

There's a new tail number in the too-short list of P-47 survivors. According to the Salzkammergut newspaper in Austria's Tirol, warbird recovery experts, working in the tightest secrecy, raised a forgotten P-47D Thunderbolt to the surface of Traunsee, a lake in Traunkirchen, in the late afternoon and early evening of June 13th, after sixty long years on the lakebed.  Sixty years, one month and five days, to be exact.

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NASA Finds 1960s Spacesuits

Relics Of USAF Recon Program, One Already Destined For NASM

If you've ever worked for a large and old organization which has downsized, you've probably found weird items from the past. Now, imagine how often that happens to NASA. Just this month, a NASA building at Cape Canaveral was being inspected by security officers, when they came to a door that was locked. And it hadn't been unlocked in a long time.

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FAA Lists First Round Of NDB Approaches To Be Canceled

Cancellations Effective July 7th

As part of the FAA's effort to cut costs by eliminating redundant navigational aids, the agency has announced it will cancel 216 redundant NDB approaches July 7, saving $19,000 per year for each canceled approach. AOPA provided extensive comments on the list of NDB approaches proposed to be eliminated.

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Sandel Goes East Coast

Opens East Coast Sales And Support Office in Charlotte

Noting the back-to-back successes of its ST3400 TAWS/RMI and previous-generation SN3308 EHSI, San Diego-area Sandel Avionics has opened an East Coast sales and support center at Concord Regional Airport, just minutes from downtown Charlotte, NC.

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Upgraded: Sue Walitsky

Becomes AOPA's Director Of Public Relations

Sue Walitsky has joined the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) as the association's first director of public relations. In the newly created position, Walitsky will promote the programs and messages of AOPA and general aviation to appropriate audiences nationwide.

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Aero-News Quote Of The Day (06.17.05)

"We're excited to enter the aerospace industry with a work force and facilities that are deeply rooted in the aviation business. The new company, Mid-Western Aircraft Systems, is now the world's largest independent supplier of structures for commercial aircraft." Source: Nigel Wright, managing director at Onex, a Canadian investment firm that Thursday completed the purchase of three Boeing commercial aircraft plants in Oklahoma and Kansas. In spite of the optimism, union leaders are fuming at Onex cuts in salaries and benefits.

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