ORD To Remain Under Flight Cap | Aero-News Network
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Airborne AffordableFlyers-12.12.24


Mon, Nov 12, 2007

ORD To Remain Under Flight Cap

FAA Will Only Lift Restriction When New RWY Opens

A cap on flights into Chicago's O'Hare International Airport (ORD) will remain in place for another year according to a Federal Aviation Administration report.

The flight cap, which has been in place for three years, will be lifted by FAA officials in November 2008 when the airport is expected to open its a new runway, according to UPI. The FAA's, Henry Krakowski, new chief of air-traffic operations said that by keeping the cap in place, flight delays and cancellations will be held to a minimum at the Chicago facility.

Local airport officials say that the cap will cost the facility $15 million in lost revenue.

"When flight caps were proposed for O'Hare, the city was assured that they would sunset in 2008," Chicago Department of Aviation spokeswoman Karen Pride said. The cap was instituted by the FAA due to delays at O'hare that topped those at all other airports in the U.S.
Reports say that even with the cap, O'Hare has struggled to meet travelers' demands ranking 32 in the nations busiest airports in departure performance.

FMI: www.ohare.com/Ohare/OhareHomepage.shtm


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