AOPA TV Ads About GA Score Big Returns | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Jan 06, 2003

AOPA TV Ads About GA Score Big Returns

Early in AOPA's new television ad campaign designed to help educate the non-flying public about general aviation, results have been extremely good. The 30-second ads on the Weather Channel show viewers an interesting fact about general aviation and direct them to to learn even more.

During the first week of the campaign, the number of unique visitors t the Web site has increased ten fold. That means ten times more pople have been exposed to the truth about general aviation.

"These ads build on the success earlier this year of a print ad campaign in major daily newspapers all across the country. By running this campaign during the busy holiday travel season, we've reached a lot of folks who might otherwise never give GA a second thought," said AOPA President Phil Boyer.

GA Serving America is aimed primarily at non-pilots but can also be useful to pilots. It is a teaching tool that helps explain all the many facets of general aviation and the critical role GA plays.

"The general aviation community has not always done a good job explaining to the rest of the country how vital GA is to our nation," Boyer said. "These ads, and especially the GA Serving America Web site, are helping to raise awareness."



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