New Jersey To Hold Public Hearing On Dual Locks | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Jun 30, 2003

New Jersey To Hold Public Hearing On Dual Locks

Staying In NJ Overnight? Lock Your Plane - Twice

New Jersey pilots will have an opportunity to tell the state Division of Aeronautics what they think about the state's "two lock" rule at a public hearing on July 7 in Ewing (NJ).

That rule requires that every aircraft parked at a New Jersey airport for 24 hours or more must be secured or disabled by two locks. When the AOPA demanded clarification, the state said an aircraft with a door lock and keyed ignition would meet the requirement.

AOPA will file formal comments calling for the state to include that interpretation in the rule. Right now, it's not written into the rule's language.

In a letter, state Director of Aeronautics Tom Thatcher explained that New Jersey law requires agencies to periodically review and readopt rules. The public hearing is to review the state's Aeronautical Facility licensing rule.

In addition to the "two lock" rule, New Jersey's Division of Aeronautics has acquired at its own expense more than 200 Airport Watch signs to distribute to all of the state's public-use airports. Airport Watch enhances GA airport security by urging pilots to be alert for suspicious activities and giving them a simple way to report their suspicions.

The public hearing on the "two lock" rule is scheduled for Monday, July 7, from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. at the DOT Training Center in Ewing.

Pilots planning to attend are asked to call ahead (609-530-2900) to ensure enough seating and handouts. Pilots interested in filing their own written comments may do so until July 28.



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